Monday, February 14, 2011

Jim Croce- Thanks for the thought Provocation

I am still watching Jim Croce documentary and his music is so soothing and relaxing to me and my thoughts, his song writing only makes me want ti write more and more and the voice melts my thoughts in a totally positive direction. This is what i always talk about when i say that consciousness of mine has so many triggers and so many feeder arms that reach out an seek out the inspiration of another fresh thought in my mind, give me something to think about or talk about to somebody who might understand me a bit or take the time to let me share my gifts of gab and the bit of knowledge that i mat have on a particular subject, but its the mind and the thoughts that are in a constant state of flux, moving on and moving up I bid a good night and good morning . again Happy Valentines day Honey... Good days indeed. Thanks Jim Croce for the music, and the short life you shared the greatness of your words and your incredible voice, very great piece of work on this documentary! nite all!!!Damn i miss my better half and my inspirational being!

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