Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beginning of a New chapter and another book Of Blog

I feel it is time to publish another portion of my ongoing blog at this time, the last one was a gift to Terria , this one will be a gift to US and for US and the growth and healing of a wounded soul has really taken  a very long and tumultuous journey to a place that is both peaceful and healthy.  Last night I talked with my wonderful wife about what it means to be me and how I See my world at times through her soul and through her eyes. She read my blog from yesterday and asked what i meant when i said something about life both WOWING  me and disappointing me at the same time... very simply  ups and downs , highs and lows and nothing in particular just that I am my biggest critic and my biggest fan all rolled into one. Last night i baked a Cake for a great friend Of Terrias , her birthday had come and gone and i feel that her Friend Teresa is her truest friend, may not be her best friend, don't really know but she is there for everything that me and my wife ever go through from the first time we met her. I texted her yesterday acknowledging her presence as Terria's friend and letting her know she mattered to us, this woman who has had her own issues and her own medical troubles with her and her Boy Joey yet always has time to check on Terria  as good friends do. We do appreciate her very much. We don't have many friends but the one's we do are true to the core and for that i am very thankful! With all that happens on a regular basis there is the one constant in our lives that keeps us all so real, the Love and communication skills that we have always had make everyday another opportunity to grow forward and become better spouses towards each other and better parents and friends to all that are in our lives. We are so very blessed to have Michael Morales in our lives as a therapist and as an emotional and at times spiritual guru to help ease our pains and give us tools to heal the wounds of our past and help alleviate any future pains  waiting in the wings. always keeping it REAL and making sure that the communication of words and feeling s never is suppressed in the ways they have been in the past. Growth is only here for those who allow  it and by allowing the old ways of doing business to fly away forever and take the new ways of dealing with feeling and emotions by dealing with them and not hiding them away. Have learned so much and am so thankful for the opportunities to succeed and progress in the ways that we have together. This chapter of my life as chronicled in these writings has been imperative for me, so very important to write and express the good the bad and the ugly as it were on a daily basis. i can always venture back and read my thoughts and feelings and know that anything is possible if we do things right. Having the most incredible support system a man can have is a great start and i am the most blessed person in the world for this, God has been incredible to me and my family and I can only be a  better person as a result of this, to take nothing for  granted and realize that things and stuff are all bullshit in the scheme of real life and people and love and gifts from the heart are all that really matter. The shit that I have is not the person that i am or want to be. so i close this Book by saying, This life is a journey with many stops, places we enjoy and places we dislike, things we are proud of and things we are ashamed to admit, people we can help and people who help us help ourselves, this journey of everyday is a borrowed day and a day not to be be taken lightly, for the deaths of people and souls occurs everyday and we shall never look back and say Shoulda, woulda ,coulda...ever, be Do-ers of good deed and helpers to those who need help and put ourselves on the back burner every now and then  because we are blessed with the strength to overcome and blessed with the wisdom and wherewithall to be in a good place to help those who cannot help themselves. all part of Gods bleesing is to put those who can in a positions to assist those are not yet able. hope you enjoyed this as well as the others that i have shared with the Blogosphere and community. Good Times!!!

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