Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Unacceptable To Me

We live in a world where the following are accepted;

Teacher layoffs
Catholic Priest pedophiles not prosecuted
Drug addict superstars making 2 million per episode
Gas at $4 per Gallon
Prisoners get better healthcare than most americans
More money per prisoner spent than per Student?????-WTF
Ignorance is accepted
 Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin ....Sarah Palin
Michelle Bachmann
Bill O'reilly
Rush Limpdick
The New Republican Party
Catholic church...again..See pedophilia above!!!!
Mean People
Dishonest People
Abusive people
thoughtless People
Network Reality shows of any kind with the exception of Food Network
The new Egotistical Pro Athletes
Tax breaks for the richest
free entitlement programs to the poorest
Bush era false economies
Unions and union busters
Special interest groups on both sides of the fence
Wiki leaks
Facebook and Twitter to which i am a member of both...sad enough
Electronic desensitizing your youth to human interaction and inability to hold a conversation
Sarah Palin...again and her Tea Baggers
the McCourts, the dumbass and the whore
the young and dumb
the older and stupid
poor white trash
poor brown illegals
multi family households
can't park in from of my own house for the above reasons!!
Mexico's inability to support their own people, now we have to
People like me who like to rant and rave that nobody hears unless your name is Sarah and you're stupid
people who quote from the bible...plagiarism at it's worst, because that mis-info was stolen too
system players
Video junkies
Alcohol and smoke industry
Anti Abortion nutjobs
See FOX NEWS! most hateful people on the planet , who actually thought GW Bush had any idea??
Fuck it I'm done for now

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