Monday, February 14, 2011

Early Night Tonight

After last nights hijinx and late night early morning writing and posting I am relaxing in a more tranquil way tonight. Just came back from Big sister Aprils house from a Valentines dinner of Rib eyes and shrimp and veggies, very good , very nice for her to invite both Brandon and I and we grubbed big time, still full. Was reading some of my writing from last night and early this morning and really feel good about expressing the things that i do, and enjoy writing about my thoughts and the processes in which some of these thoughts are created. i can't help being Greg and being me is all that i've ever known so its so very easy for me to express myself in this forum, moreso than in person than I'm just a spewing lunatic but thats not for me to decide i think. anyways I am feeling pretty good today, Work was great, i took in the cake and they all loved it and appreciated the work that i went through to make it all happen. I'm talking to my wife as I write and feel good to hear her weary voice sounds tired and is complaining of a slight headache but loving the sound of her tired voice. I too am getting tired and feel like calling it a night, still talking to my Honey  and ready for the bed bell to ring. Good night Honey!

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