Monday, February 14, 2011

The day turned Into Valentines day

Haven't been writing much lately, not for any reason just lacked the push and pull to freely write something from the heart, not forced or coerced by any certain event or reasons, just freedom to express myself in a way that only i will ever understand. Sometimes i hear /Michael Morales nail me on the head and post a stamp on my personality or behaviors and gets me to a T, other times i drift away in my own consciousness and say to myself" Nobody will ever truly Get me" and for that I actually get excited to be new and different and an anomaly to many and a hero to some, sometimes i bear the burden of being the constant positive and that "go to" guy who is always expected to be right, to do right and to have or find the right answers. I am and I do place a premium on being better than everybody else in the effort and execution, but sometimes my better judgements show me and the world that Gregory Is human and will and can fuck his shit up. so here i am nearing 1230 am and this mind races , not to suppress feelings but to enhance my awareness and my ability to be a better person to everybody that touches my days and nights and the life that I live is so different than many, not in the destination but in the journey and m approach which is never the same 2 consecutive days, i love to be loved and love to give it all back, being liked is not an option if it means I must compromise any part of my self and my soul and who I am is what you always see that much i can guarantee on a daily basis. While riding my motorcycle today I had a plethora of emotions and ideas which came to me in a turn leaned over at 65 mph, if i were to die today would i have made a difference to this world, knowing full well that this life is so precious and so short and how much love I have in my life with my wife and kids and my immediate family and friends! too much of a thought . My Big sister April Texted me asking if I was riding my motorcycle today, not yet but i am going later...ok cool because she heard a motorcyclist died on hwy 33 which i frequented 3 times a week in my hey day and she was happy to see my text stating that i was ok. This triggered my mid turn thought of love and awareness of what i was doing, knowing that a family is grieving tonight losing their loved one on that motorcycle ride on hiway 33 . What a thought to have but perspective was gained and knowing that I am an integral part of this world to those who matter means more to me than anything. Life is so precious, and the one chance we have to live it to its fullest cannot be lost of petty bullshit, worries or jealousies that seem to invade our thoughts and lives. We live for today and hope tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes we dive in head first and realize that this vicious cycle is our to win , or ours to lose  and we have control of what we do and that which is outside our scope, we wash our hands and use the faith that we have to make it through the mean days of life and this cruel world outside our doors. so tomorrow is here and I know i am ready for it, even if t is my last one, i have lived a great life . Yeah that turn on the motorcycle had me thinking these thoughts, this complex, thoroughly complicated frazzled super highway of thoughts and dreams and worries always working , even after midnight, so i bid a great night and a new day is already here . Happy Valentines Day All you lovely lovers out there!

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