Monday, February 28, 2011

Not Much Going On!

Made it therough the weekend and now Monday is here, sitting at the front desk awaiting the first customer ,or phone call of the day and trying to be somewhat productive with myself in here today. The cool weather has zapped the need or want to be outside and in the elements so golfing probably not going to happen anytime theis morning and will be relegated to the garage hitting net to do anything golf wise. The weekend wa s avery quiet one, we had a viewing on Friday and were to go to a Party on Saturday, wasn't feeling it so terria  dropped off the cake i made and came home shortly after. We watched a movie and essentially were within arms  reach of each other all weekend long which is the norm thank God. Did our weekend of the gym and i went for a short hour ride towards Ojai and enjoyed the new bike and the roar of that Ducati v-twin sound, very cool! A very quiet and non descript exsitance these days, the normal work grind and the normal family  stuff on an everyday basis which is cool to me but not very exciting to write about. Other than getting my volume 2 published and waiting for it I have nothing going on personally but the aforementioned Work , Home ,Gym golf Wife and love thing going on and thats enough for me , throw in a few hard motorcycle rides and there you have it. So more as the day presents itself with exzcitement, otherwise very drab today being Monday and the start of a 5 day week for me. good times, til later

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