Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lazy Assed Sunday

I am trying to get motivated and get Terria equally as motivated but it ain't easy this lazy Sunday morning. Got up at 8 am and read the paper ,went online and watched some video , some motorcycle and some music and am truly trying to get off my ass right now and get the Gym before I blow it off altogether! Yesterdays workout was a half ass attempt to save energy for my ride later in the day, this morning I will do a little cardio and stretch out my knee  and prepare it for a quick ride around then Lake then head home and get ready fro the trip to my Brother Rich's house to watch the game and make some dead cow for the game. Terria and Brandon are going and hopefully Tim and Ape will be back in time from Vegas for the kick off . So I see Terria off her keester and hopefully she is ready to put her shoes on and be off to Bally's for a nice stretch out workout  and get ready for my ride. Today is a very tranquil day and I am ready for the football season to be done and the Baseball season to get started. Pitchers and catchers report 3rd week of Feb so we are ready for this Baseball thing to take off. Heading to Az. in March sometime to catch some games and really am excited about that! Well the cry has been heard and I must be up and dress for the gym and the feeling good aspect of it once I'm finished. Good Times ahead, Feeling a lot more writing coming on later  so I hope I can be verbose as I tend to be...that's me, I guess If you got something to say..say it, if not ,STFU is all I'm saying

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