Thursday, February 3, 2011

Being A Parent- the Job that keeps on taking

Early morning rising and getting ready for work is always a good thing, means you made it through the night and get another chance to live another day in this mean cruel world. but the world where you live determines the level of cruelty and rudeness in which we partake. the peacefulness of a late night conversation with my wife and the reservations we may share towards our boys in the certain areas that there are reservations that need to be held onto. We as parents never stop parenting and never stop trying to make our children's lives better  by teaching them , protecting them and even buying an online book for college courses for Brandon, whatever it takes we are there and that's what we do. the thoughts and worries of braz and Nikki are so far out of reach that good thoughts and prayers are the only way out of it all, we try not to think not only of the impending deployment to the desert but the ongoing personal drama for Braz as he endures  a thoughtless and mean spirited new marriage to a very immature and issue laden young lady. We try to stay out of his business but we he calls in a panic and angry at the world for the 10th time over the same stupid issue, we say" stop enabling "and walk away from the train wreck you call a marriage and go on and enjoy your youth , bang as many chicks as you thin you need to and enjoy what your youth is supposed to be about. whatever the case may be living in an unhappy world is  not a good place for anybody to be, especially when you have youth on your side and are just starting out in this world on your own,with your new cars and motorcycles and first apartment and the time to put on the grown up pants is here and now and time to assume the role. But how do you talk to a teenager who know everything in their mind when in actuality they know nothing and forget some moist everything we taught  them or tried to tell them the previous day. youth is a fickle mother fucker , they try so hard to be grown up and yet have so little skill in performing this act a they have nothing to fall back on but mom and Dad doing shit for them and they fall flat when it comes time to make the call to the bank or send the bill off in the mail and take care of the business that they tried so hard to to grown up so fast for. Well the time is here and now and the oil rises to the top of this oil spill of a learning curve for our young children. As a parent we try to teach and show in example, yet all they see is the house and the nice furniture and the toys and the Bank account, they see nothing of the time and efforts put into gettig to that point or the sacrifices made i areas to get us there. they see end result and destination, not the arduous journey to where the parent are. We are in a good financial hold and an even better personal and spiritual choke hold of this marriage we call our own. The time and efforts required to get here are efforts I truly doubt our new generation of youth will ever truly attain, they are a fast food, quick fix ,"ME" generation of slackers who don't know what it is to put in work or give up something now for something better later. Life's perspective to them is a new pair of jeans or a cool car or the latest sunglasses that they saw some punk ass singer wear at the Grammy awards. so whatever the case may be , we as parents sit back and wait for the kids to implode and come calling to us for help, guidance , assistance whatever they may need, they are and will become needy because they skipped a few steps in the growing up process to get there and didn't learn it all properly, crash course in life skills never accomplish much. as a 48 year old parent I succumb to the sometime ignorant plight of our youth and throw my hands in the air til they need us again, maybe we are the enablers and we are the cause of the problem.. whatever the case may be ,i have an Orlando golf trip to Plan...excuse me whilst i surf a bit in my search

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