Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Peering Out From my Keester

Another day here in socal and the sun is out and the winds are blowing really hard today, no golf for sure today. Might be able to utilize the lunch period to go to the gym and ride the bike a little to soften up the stiff knee i have today, must have slept on it wrong or whatever but it feels a little sore today and a brisk spin might make it feel better. go tomorrow for the one month checkup on it to see where it is in the healing process. Not really much going on today just a 9 hour tour of oblivious bullshit here at work , some ebay selling and a few tasks here at work that need to get done, one being my time card update to be sure i get paid in a timely manner. Well a quick hello to the world on this fine Wednesday morning of February 9, 2011 and wishing the world a peaceful great day. The world where i live is a good one and i only give thanks to those who have made this all possible, thanks to Morales for pointing out to me i've had my head up my ass my entire life. WOW1 just think how productive i could have been had I been amongst the living the past 48 years, ahh well ,my shit is others gold i suppose and i won't apologize for being me, the loving , giving ,caring person that i raised myself to be, although emotions may get suppressed, my shit gets done and mistakes are made ,but the perfect mistake free person has yet to be born, shit ,even Jesus had a few bloody hands and feet on his resume! lo, ok that was fucked up but the meaning is all true where i come from, which is deep from the asshole of my own, good times and great days indeed!

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