Saturday, February 12, 2011

Staying Busy!

Day 1 of Terria's trip to Hawaii, feels like forever ago that I dropped her off at terminal 2 at LAX and said goodbye for 9 days. Never been apart that long and never want to be again. Thinking about it I should have gone but my dislike for the Hawaii thing won out here and that 6 hour flight blows as well. Today has been a lazy ,yet productive one. Got up at 9 and got on computer calls Terria and spoke to her and then decided to go to the gym ,had 2 boxes mailed for me by Brandon and now I'm done with the gym await a call from Prozac who is in town to celebrate his friends US citizenship in LA yesterday so feeling good about it all. If he calls we will meet for lunch and then try to find something productive to do after that, not knowing what and how productive but I could sit in front of the TV and watch Golf From Pebble Beach,or go to hi balls which may not happen since Angie has my truck moving today. I could hit into the net and probably will, a quick ride maybe and then call Terria and see what she's buying at the Swapmeet in Honolulu Stadium, talk about a big swapmeet, just no more junk please sweetie...please. Well time for this production to start, by turning on the TV it has begun. Great days !

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