Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One Day Closer!

Not really much going on in my world today, work was great today we had a really nice day and took a coworker to a nice  Italian lunch at Dominicks and had a smooth day. Hit some golf Balls with my old clubs better than ever, so well i chose to sell my new ones, my G15's on ebay and will get a newer set when the new models come out later this year and get the custom fitting that the old clubs have and it really makes a difference. So tomorrow i venture back to work, one day closer to seeing my Terria back in my arms and next to me, been the hardest week of my life for sure but it is a real growing experience for sure. tomorrow i get to share this with Morales and see what he has to say about Greg, last week i had my head up my ass he says and now i have my head removed from my ass  and se if the hair looks good after the fact???? As the rain falls outside right now i don't see golf tomorrow and i feel like a good gym day is on tap.a friend from Washington State is coming back to NBVC and living in one of our houses at Mugu, a real good guy and a great family that I am so happy to get back. We shared some good times and Adam was the one guy who was i town the day I crashed my bike and visited me in the Hospital while he was down from Wa. State for a brief training and meant alot to me , he has been in constant contact with me over the  last 3 years while stationed at whidbey island. good to have him back. Well i'm ready for a quick soda and a thought about an earlier sleeptime tonight .. Good night see you soon honey! love you! It's midnight , I'm done for tonight

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