Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frank Schaeffer "Spiritual guru"

I was Reading on line in between breaks in my selling endeavors on Ebay this morning and came across another nugget of wisdom from Frank Schaeffer, the man i credit for getting back to christianity and believing in God again. The man who i do call "My Spirituality guru" for so many reasons. first and foremost he is honest and intelligent. His background of coming from the depths of the a place that i truly despise, the fundamentalist right wing of America, he changed, realized the errors of his ways and apologizes for helping to create the Sarah Palins and all of the other fake christian money-making machine that they have become. i can respect a person who admits his faults, fixes them and devotes himself into sharing the true meaning of Christianity s to love and to make  those around us happier people, and in the process we too will become better for our giving of ourselves. not the bible thumpers who want the world to know they are Christians and go to church and Tithe their asses off and want everybody to know this fact, throw in a few well placed paragraphs from the bible and there you have it, Sarah Palinesque Bullshit! So I move to today and have some internal turmoil goin on among 2 of my closest coworkers in their lives, Angie who i love like a sister and who while pregnant with her baby barged into ICU to see me when i crashed my motorcycle and wouldn't take NO for an answer even though they told her so, she did it anyway and i will never forget that, and was the only one to visit me at home while i was re-couping. Richard and his relationship issues have been resolved, his girl told him she made a mistake and wants to come back and start over with him and he is really in a bittersweet place as he was ready to start a new chapter but loves the idea of waking up to his new baby everyday and not just during visitation weeks, so all that being settled i get back to my point about Schaeffer and his teachings to me through his books and his words! He has taught me many humbling things, first off that we can never interpret the bible as totally correct, interpreted by man , man has many flaws and the bible was translated and passed down by uneducated peasant people who probably lost some of the tranlation and passed down various other erroneous statements, so don't take the bible at Face value, there are some incorrect things i it, i have always believed that to be true and have always said that to myself and have never truly bough into it all. Having read the bible 4 times front to back, i can make this statement about my opinion of it's incorrectness based on the fact that i experienced it for myself through my own eyes and not somebody else eyes or opinion. The other point i have taken to heart and try to apply on a daily basis is this, he says that the person we truly are is to be determined by those who love and admire us, our brothers and sister, wives and children who will speak honestly of who we are. so if somebody asked me Greg what kind off person are you, ,i would say i hope i a a good, trustworthy ,loving and giving unselfish person who knows how to love and to be loved properly. The real answer will always come from those who know me and can make the statement of whether or not Greg is a good person, dad, husband and all the aforementioned attribute, we are our own worst critic and how i perceive myself is not the same as others perception of the person that i am. I will be disliked somewhere at sometime, but the real test is those that i should be god too all of the time and do I do it is the real key, not what i think I am but what I prove to be true i the eyes of the people i love and those who love me back. Lastly the "GOLDEN RULE" has been embedded in my mind by Schaeffer as a simple guideline and i think about it all of the time and say to myself, "would i want that to happen to me , or be treated like that"? the million  dollar question and it does help shape the person that i have become by stopping to take a moment and review my actions, thoughts or demeanor and their positiver or negative effects on somebody else!  I will post  a link from Schaeffers Blog and share this tidbit of goodness and see where i get the strength to rise above and beyond what this sad pitiful world at times has to offer;  here goes, thanks and Good days!Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. I fill renewed after i read or write about Frank Schaeffer, the fact that this man reeled me in from the depths of disbelief are amazing, the entire blogsite i write on here today was formerly my atheis site where i'd bash on christians and hate the fact that so many would run like puppies to religion for their own devices. I am i a good place with religion, i don't believe in religion ,But God, religion is man made and Man is too flawed to follow like that. i am a man of principle who does make mistakes, but accountablility for my mistakes i can say is my strong point, and the fixing of these mistakes is always at the forefront of my being. So being better is doing better and not just saying you will or you can, but proving to the ones you love and to God that you mean to do good things and love those all around you! with or without the cameras rolling and under the grandstands that so many choose to participate .. not me!
