Friday, February 4, 2011

Ask and She Shall receive

A very good Friday today and a really uneventful weekend of plan less days and fun filled whatever's is on the horizon. I was questioned by my wife tonight why I did not write today, I can never use the term I was really busy at work today Honey, she knows better than that and i won't insult her intelligence with such a statement from my side of the  barn. To answer her Question i simply said, i had nothing to write about, so now that I do have something to write about which includes not having anything to write about and having to write about it is really incredibly counter productive from a creativity stand point I think but i do love to spout off about something , even if that something is dogshit Greg Spew nothingness, which in my book is better than most other intelligible scribe so yeah, I'm pretty proud of "me" and full of it as well! Hey, Ebay was somewhat kind to me today, sold 2 more items and didn't sell 3 others and look forward to shipping the 2 items out tomorrow when we head to the base and hit balls and then will take my Italian out for a ride somewhere since the knee is almost at full flex right now and less swelling so i will be able to move around on the bike a little easier and ride a bit more comfortably tomorrow.  One more week before My Terria goes away for 8 days and I am somewhat apprehensive about her trip for my own selfish reasons but also for the fact that the trip could bring some animosity if something is said or done in her presence she could go into protective mother mode and all the better if somebody is dumb enough to press the issue. So i pray for a great visit with our boy and represent us both and share our love for our son who goes into harms way here real soon along with so many others who are going with him and already there as we speak. So as usual i sit here and peak at the upcoming day and refuse to plan too much with the exception of the gym, Balls and a quick ride but the rest of the day and evening is open for something new or something old to do. We shall see and no too concerned about it all and ready for what will be a short workweek for me next week , a trip to LAX for Terria and i drive her to the curb and say my goodbyes knowing she will have a tough time saying goodbye to Braz and will be a long flight home for her and I only give my love and support to her and many hugs and long conversations of love and a calming loving support system for each other during this tumultuous time with our boy in harms way. We defer to Gods will and strength and to our love and adoration for each other to be strong and productive over the next year during Braz's time in the sand. so it's near the end of our night and a tired body and an active mind that never stops needs a rest right now. so good night and better days ahead

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