Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stay Positive!!!!

My Body took another hit yesterday while hitting golf Balls, i fear it is a torn ACL but hope for better. i have to nurse it and get it manageable in time for my trip to North Carolina to visit my Friends Shawn and hopefully Ruth at the end of the month. Just a simple task of swinging a Golf club and pivoting off back leg to front made the leg and knee finally give way, the pop was loud and my yelp was equally as loud and know there is something in there that is not right. But I move along and tried to get a good nights rest on a throbbing knee and a sleepless night later i woke up to tired Greg and a disappointed Greg, Terria did everything she could to cheer me up but knew i was beyond upset and just wanted to be left alone! So i woke up this morning and feared the worst and got up and hobbled for the morning piss and went ok, I then called in Sick and did not want to go in , was tired and pissed off and eventually got up and turned the computer on, fearing a day of nothingness I decided to trudge into work and at least be there for my Friend Sabrinas last day here for awhile. I came in to work around 930 and stopped at Mc D's for a coffee and a muffin and crawled into work unfolding myself out of the truck and limping to my desk. I am ta the lunch hour now and hope i can get to the gym to try and burn some frustrations out and move the leg a little bit to loosen its stiffness. The time is upon me and i will change into my gym wear and head across the street to the Base gym for what hopefully turns out to be some god news and more flexibility . Unfortunately Golf is out of the picture for awhile and that too pisses me off, I'd be better off riding a motorcycle and get less injured that way but whatever at this point, I'm pissed, frustrated and thankfully I have my Terria and my kids and family to kick me in the ass and help me get to a more positive place in my mind and body.working so hard to stay in shape and to do healthy stuff and a minor setback wont deter me from prospering in the end. I shall, i will, i am going to get through this day regardless of how bad my body feels. god blesses me and i must use this as a life lesson to persevere when things are less than perfect. positive good thoughts from here on out! Good times and better days ahead

1 comment:

  1. Fucking Mother fucker This pisses me off ! ok feel better
