Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All about Me!

Not much to report for me today, very quiet and a very good day overall. Enjoyed lunch with big brother and had a good chat and went back to work after that. Work still remains to be slower than I'd like for it to be but its a living and i will never complain about my job, just wished I could help , even out more than I do and be more effective and help more folks on a daily basis. But work s work and life is where it really matters and everything truly pays off. Tomorrow brings another counseling session with Terria and I and really look forward to it, be 2 weeks since talking to Michael and miss his candor and overall demeanor. Still trying to gather thoughts and reasons for some of my un Greg-like actions and have settled for some rational that makes sense but still want more answers as I am never happy with well enough, i ant it all and am almost good with the rationale and reasons for being an ass and getting my shit closer to being together. But I am happy overall with the therapy and Terria and I have our daily and nightly sessions of love and care and concern and the conversations and communication is getting better each day which is amazing as it sits, but yet gets better! I love the writing I've been able to squeeze out not so much writing when I' angry and at odds with something, trying to be a more positive force in my life and trying to attach myself closer to some of my more positive friends like Ruth and Mona who were there for me during my exodus from reality! Thanks to them and to the support group I call family and friends and the new connections with my friends Robert Nevarez and Chancey who have been mainstays for me in my daily grind of getting back to normal. Well, normal for me and normal for most others are worlds apart but I try to communicate the real me to everybody that i come in contact with, my life , my words , my humor and my fury are all on display via this forum or the shit holes Facebook and twitter. I love to communicate, not all appreciate my methodology of speaking ,writing and my overall verbose way of communicating my emotions and feelings, these people don't know the real Greg and do not matter one bit. To take away a persons true self is to take away the person, i will not ever shut up for anybody. I have often been asked, how does your wife put up with you? I always seem to have to answer this question, as if I'm some sort of Cancerous venomous snake that only deals in the negative and hurtful side. I can only be what i can be, ME, for those who truly know me, i mean Honestly have spent time and spoken to me on a one t one basis can attest, Greg is a good God Fearing and respecting human being , who loves, cares and gives all of himself, to include the way I communicate and at times even though shocking is the only way i can attack my life, full bore or not at all. I love my life ad I love being different than most and cherish the fact that my Terria has allowed me to be me and allowed herself to give herself and her love back to me in spades! I am so very fortunate for so many reasons, I only hope tomorrow will bring me the joys and peace that today has brought me. Healthy ,happy and strong minded to never give in but smart enough to knw that outside help is not always a bad thing. God bless my family and all of those who know and love me for being me!

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