Monday, August 9, 2010

What It all Means

Where does it go when the lights turn off
How can i hear when My ear phones are in
how do i walk when my legs cramp up
Why do i think so goddamn much

Can it ever feel good when it hurts so much
does pain displacement ever get the job done
does abstract nonsense ever become clear
Why do i talk so fucking much

my heart is open to the powers that be
my chin is strong and can take a good punch
my knee is swollen still i swing the clubs
when do i ever take an easier path

I am who I am As Popeye once said
the skinny bitch that gave him head
always whined and groaned about
Yet my man never hit her and killed her dead

the magic moments when you do what you do
when thought and ponder would have worked well
I fall and i stumble and bumble about
My pride, my Goodness still ready to spout

so what it about me that drives them all mad
the gifts of gab or the laughter's we've had
I am an ass and that is so true
So I facebook and twitter to say Fuck you!

Being comfortable in my existence
if not my own skin
when do the rewards pay off
and tranquility begin?

I see it, feel even live it now
the world of loving and a cash cow
means very little when you're all fucked up
So i pick up my baggage and said here it is

take me away, a calgon moment
show me the way and give me your thoughts
try to be real, if not you will see
this man who seems pleasant can turn into a beast

so what do they mean
the words that i spew
where do they come from
when they're directed at nobody in particular

my heart, my mind and my soul
have been beaten and stomped on before
I'm calloused and immune to pains
so i open my arms for more

yet the days and nights have been kind to me
As i hold my life so tight
like a projectile cat that flies about
always landing on its feet

Blessed is the man who understands
that he has issues and has flaws
I am in fact a fucked up dude
with the audacity to admit it all

So i laugh and cry when appropriate
and even when its not
that life is but a cruel and funny joke to me
I am so blessed at all I've got

the beauty of being Greg
is that there is no beauty just truth
realistically I hold the cards
So i continue to do what i do

1 comment:

  1. this was by far my best abstract writing to date, It may sound like drivel but those who know me know exactly what I mean and where I stand on all of lifes funny, cruel and historical twists. thank Goodness nobody reads this shit Cuz I'd be institutionalized today!!! Laughing very loudly. for i am never clearly defined nor do i exploit myself to become the open book which I interannly lock away, this is Greg, this is who i am, a mystery and love the fact that complexities have their valor and price!
