Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fine day!

Pretty damn good day today, saw the kids and was in contact with sweethearts Mona and Ruth via Facebook today. All is good in their worlds, Mona still going through Radiation and fighting the Cancer very hard. These two along with Terria make me feel very fortunate and blessed to know, giving me all the positivity that I can ever handle, very very fortunate indeed. Have a lunch date with Brother Rich tomorrow and really look forward to hanging with him so I will take an extended lunch from work and go to gym then meet meet at an undisclosed locale as we have yet to decide where we will meet. I'm sure we Will talk Baseball and share the laughs that we rarely get the chance to exchange, very cool it is t be have such a great big Brother who never judges anybody, wished i were more like him in that dept !So its a short workweek for me this week ,off Friday and looking forward to Saturday , driving to Palm Springs to meet Chancey for a lunch with Terria,, doing some shopping in Cabezon and then headed home for a cool night of whatever with Terria. Supposed to be 105 in the desert Saturday and don't really mind it too much, have the easy drive and the cool tunes and the great company of T and then meet my boy Chancey for more stupidity and laughs, owe the knucklehead a lunch so we figured with nothing planned on Saturday we should pay off the bet that we owe the dude, so lunch it is. Other than that another shot work week and not much going o there just the days seem to get longer when there is little to no work t be done, a long 9 hours of trying to stay busy. Still keeping my fingers crossed for our 2 contract girls Jann and Sabrina who are losing their jobs with us at the end of the month the Govt operates in weird ways and u funded their positions as temporaries and now they must compete with the world for their 2 positions which hey have admirably worked so well at for 5 and 1 years each, so I cross my fingers and give them my good thoughts and payers in that they are going to win these positions back and keep their jobs, each has families and kids s this would impact them seriously in a negative way, this suck. Well t is time to get the ol beauty rest in the hopes that tomorrow comes and goes quickly. So here we go another try and another day in the books, thank goodness for another great day and hope tomorrow brings me the same

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