Monday, August 9, 2010


Feels really good to be back to work and into a set schedule. I enjoyed my time off and really enjoy my Tahoe Golf and moreso i was able to get out of going to the wedding...yuck, god bless Erin and Josh 2 great kids and know they will do great together, 9 years and finally married, good times! Hanging out here at my desk I was already on Facebook fucking with minds and poking fun at the social cesspool that FB is, why i stay on it who knows, seems like such a waste of my talent at times to say something so witty and so funny ,and nobody really gets it, but it is what i need it to be , a venting post to laugh and joke and be me! As I drove into work today i could only think again of how my music shapes my emotions, listening to spiral staircase this morning on the Blackberry "I love you more today than yesterday" took me back to a different time in our lives when being a kid was just that , not really wanting to grow up too quickly and wanting to do the things kids did, play, laugh and cry, not stuck behind the TV screen or a game control console, a phone texting or just being oblivious t world at hand around us all. I set sail today with a mission for me and Terria to Small goals be it physically, socially, spiritually speaking to get better each day and make the world that we know a better place, the world around us sucks pretty bad and i don't involve myself with that which brings me down and makes me use a negative energy that is not healthy in the grand scheme of things. I love people and i love to interact with as many people as i can in a day, all being different in their own special way. The fact that music is such an important part of my life takes me back to a song, or a place , or a thought when a particular song comes on , My Pat Benatar and level 42 era music seems to project so many really strong feeling and emotions that sometimes make me laugh and get even a bit somber. can remember my dad asking me to turn down my record player as it was too loud, or my mom coming in and telling me to clean my room and to turn down my beloved Pat Benatar. all this so much more poignant since i live in my childhood home and really hear and feel the senses of deja vu , the room where i once called my own as a kid is now my TV room where we do nothing but watch TV and play on the computer, My best writing comes from this room, and my Friend Robert Nevarez reminded me that he remembered watching Pat Benatar videos from this same room some 30 years ago as i has one of the first VCR recorders and would record Don Kirshners rock concert or whatever I could that had good music on it. now we have YouTube and its a click away and the enjoyment is limitless. So there i sit in my TV room all painted and floored and postered to the nines with some musical memorabilia ,movie posters and my Willie Mays Picture and feel like this is what being a child was like, I go back to that room every night and remember the sounds and sights of my childhood and remember the good and the bad that emulated from this house. As i prepare to paint the exterior of my home I always remember the smell of the freshly cut grass that i hated to mow as a kid, now my yard isa sense of pride for me and try to keep it cut and green and edged and looking nice, the Gophers seem to lie it too but that's the cost of doing business i suppose. Its Monday morning and i plan for a great weekend of working on the house and hanging with some long lost friends and trying to re-invent that feeling of being a kid again. Life is short and life is good and we only get one chance to do it right, i am doing it right and I do love my life and all that it entails, never looking back and taking names and prisoners and enjoying every second that i can. there is so much pain and misery in this world and i cannot be a part of that, not in my home, my head or my world that i live. So God bless those who cannot help themselves and God bless the ones who choose not to help themselves, there is a lot of help out there and realizing that we don't always have the answers and its ok to reach out for help. I am thankful and blessed that i did not allow myself to be closed minded and sought out the answers to my questions, I am doubly intelligent, i knew that i didn't know and now reap the benefits of the new Greg and the new life that has presented itself to me , all i had to do was listen instead of talk. Good Times!

1 comment:

  1. being told you will never know
    being held and feeling cold
    running away from days ago
    my childhood winds begin to blow

    given everything at a fingers click
    a younger me was still a dick
    spoiled and toiled and rung it out
    life was a puzzle to fret about

    shaken and rattle at my father's death
    I was not there for his last breath
    and thanking God for this fate
    January 15, the very date

    Time and passage have been kind to me
    a life of love and family
    looking onward to to sunrises edge
    the plank is pulled from my rivers edge

    bad decisions and mistakes
    since been replaced with whimsical breaks
    time to heal and seal the wounds
    my childhood of shovels and brooms

    I fear not evil or my end
    my strength to conquer and to mend
    broken fences and broken hearts
    not complete but the Sum of my parts
