Saturday, August 7, 2010

Senses at Work

Through these eyes I see the light
Each day comes and brings me joy
bringing my hope and dreams to life
I see real progress for my toils

From my head I feel so free
the guilt ,pains and misery
creations of my destiny
I did not know wait awaited me?

I hear the noise from above
My conscience tugs ,pulls and shoves
the ringing noise I hear inside
true confessions I no longer Hide

I'm feeling fine with my vulnerabilities
I see and hear my own advise
I fix my head and then my ways
Yesterdays Echos bounce off the walls

Feel the power and the Passions
I read he story and the happy endings
I write my book and sell my story
the book is mine to read If I choose

My hands on the pulse of the life I love
I push and pull and grasp my choices
I've made mistakes I've made amends
my wife, my family and my friends

1 comment:

  1. Driving home from Tahoe last night Terria and I ha an amazingly long and incredible conversation about life, our expectations, our loves and dislikes, everything was covered and it flowed so well as two cerebral minds were clicking on all cylinders. Sharing stories and the love we share for each other. All along the 7 hour drive home I could only think of how incredibly fortunate that I am to be where I am today after all I have been thru from Novenmber to present day and feel like I have grown as a person,husband and friend, seems to be a very interesting phenomenon that has transpired in my inner soul and made me feel pretty damn good about the way things are going. Many thanks to my friends and obviously to my "T", Nevarez says it best when he just refers to my wife as "The Saint" Good Call Robert!!Looking forward to getting back to te routine of my work schedule and gym and looking towards my scheduled trip to North Carolina to see my best frind Shawn and meet up my my old pal Ruth n virginia, talk about Saints, between my wife, Mona and Ruth I am surrounded with Saintly souls for sure. Thanks To God for this!
