Tuesday, August 24, 2010

From A Saints Perspective

I laugh so hard
when people assume they know me
I try so hard
to not try too hard and just be me

The beauty of it all
Is that i land on my feet
The beauty of it still
Is that i am where i am supposed to be

I've looked in the rear view
And forgotten where I've been
I recognize the value of life
By living it to its' Brim

Shaken the souls and rattled my mind
an Accident brings me closer to find
the meaning and the reasons rhymes
my world and pieces are still kind

I'm told i don't feel worthy
to accept the gifts and daily rewards
I'm the dealer in this game of life
and forever hold the cards

Venture to an unknown
the heart will quicken
and the realities overblown
my simple mind is rarely shown

into the depths of my deeper soul
A Thursday night to heal its toll
my loving wife has given her all
And for me to climb up from my fall

Healing , cured and tried and true
the scabs are cleaned and shining through
the world around has been good too
I basque in the strength and how it grew

A peak around the next blind corner
wisdom's answers shine the lantern so brightly
Seeing life and answers abounding
Resiliency and a brand new vision

Carry on my wayward Mind
the refuge you sought was not there to find
that being so close and yet so far
This Saint of mine, is my daily star

1 comment:

  1. Being the wildcard is a cool thing to me, never really being understoodas a whole is a oretty fun thing to be. Being a complex being is even more significant because I can always re-invent the mindset that I call my own ,there are no pre conceived notions as to what I'm supposed to be, oh yeah i will be kind and i will be respectful when its due, but feel that i need to kick the crap out of somnething to get the poil burning hotter nthese day so in the near future can see myself kickin somebody dickside for the sake of doing it, and it will be justified trust me. But the life i lead is pretty amazing to say the least, htere are no drsmas that cannot be dealt with , htere are no issues that cannot be handled easily, so all in all Terria and i have a great grip on all that shapes our lives and all that realy matters is where we are and where we will be in the near future ,which to me is today, 10 mi nutes from now whn all hell could break loose , and i mean that in a good free the mind and the spirit willl follow sort of way...all in all I'm just abeing the Greg duran that i knpow and the Greg that everybody wants to love for being me is an easy thing, being understood, is not so easy. But not my job to try tpo make it all Clear now is it... haha i'm good and ready to take on this tuesday with a vengeance and fervor that only i can ever understand and cherish. sometimes the best offense is to offend
