Saturday, August 21, 2010

Good Days, Good Times!

Not much going on, or really much to talk about so meaning that all is really good in Saurus Land! Having another great weekend and enjoying the nearly perfect weather and being outdoors. Hitting Golf balls today was flawless and really felt perfect today! Looking forward to anther work week and brings me closer to my last getaway for awhile to North Carolina in September,Didn't realize that it was so close and a month away, Terria so reminded me tonight of that fact! Other than that laying low and staying quiet on Facebook, not much to share or ad there, had a great Friday and Saturday,Sunday has no plans and just another day of choices and doing something fun or nothing at all We shall see??? Apparently there s something brewing across the room and Terria has her computer up and is searching something ,somewhere, so we shall see what she comes up with! Good Day, and good nights.. Ah, maybe the Tillman story on Sunday???? Hpe we can find a theater thats showing it, looks like?LA is the closest

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we get the big top in town
    the 3 ring and the floppy shoes
    I laughed so hard
    I nearly cried

    I get a letter from a friend
    A message from my bro
    and and a visit out of town
    good times and great friends

    Not much in and not much out
    just another day in paradise
    and the variables we jump on and solve
    tomorrows awaiting another solution

    AWaiting Sunday and another worldly challenge
    a daily grind so nearly undermined
    but the stengths of my Saint
    keep it all so grounded

    Bring me the day that kicks my ass
    give me something to make me laugh
    my family and friends ,the joys never end
    keep me smiling and wondering where are my challenges?

    Good dayas indeed,
