Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I wrote my book to help myself
I put it high atop the shelf
I drive myself to see bright lights
by psuhing myself to new heights

My scribe and pen are my best friend
my music speaks to me til the very end
I see the windows rattling outside
I fear no evils from deep inside

frustrations burn and tears do flow
My world in flux, but this i know
my flux is better than others best
I know my life and now can rest

This world Is brutal and never cares
if people love you or rudely stare
Don't tell me things that I already know
just open the door and watch it grow

Listen to the bells ringing out loud
I stand beside you so very proud
life is life and so very precious
apologies for my arrogance and being precocious

the future tells me my dreams come real
the doors closed behind me have made me feel
That when one door opens and another one closes
that positives can make shit smell like Roses

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