Thursday, August 12, 2010

An Old Friend

Time has blown by me quickly
I saw an old friend today
It made me happy and sad
to see the pain, and the despair

I hugged my friend today
he has not changed
but age has has swept him away
taken over his body but not his humor

This funny man
put a smile on my face to no end
This man was such a great guy
and loved my boy as his own

why did i disappear from his life
his drinking , his state of disarray?
I feel like a half assed friend
who walked away when It got rough

Mr. Aguilar you made my day,
my day is now complete
the smile and the laughter abounding
and my memories of you reborn again

Vietnam and hard times
could not defeat or consume you
the vodka in your veins
is just a minor flaw is all

So generous and funny is he
the man who could write a book in his head
the illustrations and the caricatures
truly defined his colorful ways

Tony my friend it was good to see you
and shake your hand again
May god help you and keep that humor
and continue to make us all laugh

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