Thursday, October 27, 2011

World Series Of Beavis!

Watched the World Series choke jobs of all time, the Rangers had 2 chances to get one batter and become world series Champions but didn't have it in them . They will move on to a game 7 and that's a foregone conclusion, if the Cardinals do not blow them out tomorrow night it will then be the biggest choke job in reverse , no doubt or question about it. So whatever happens could give a shit at this point, I had the Rangers  but that's not going to happen as they folded lie a towel and really killed their best chance twice....not once, Twice!

Other than that debacle  did watch the New Beavis and Butthead for comedic relief and it was alright, not as funny as it should have been but better than the other crap they put on MTV. Tomorrow is Friday and the end of a long week, Terria's knee still hurting her and back to work she goes tomorrow to finish out the week. Sounds lie she tore her Meniscus and will need a scope sometime soon, It happens,I hurt mine swinging a golf club at the driving range and had mine done in January with no issues. So wishing my sweetie a better week and hopefully some news about her ailing knee!

No plans again for this weekend and that's ok, I am sure we will have a game plan on the fly and figure out something to do this weekend. Set up my leave schedule for the holidays and taking all of Christmas week off with only 3 days of leave required, so 9 days off for the price of 3 , sounds good to me! Should be a quiet day at work tomorrow , have nothing pending and not much on the horizon as far as work goes. As an afterthought ,I set up another appointment with Michael to touch bases with him and see how  am doing,feeling great about things  but have a few things like an ex wife coming to town and meddling in Brandon's life after abandoning him as a young boy of 8, and the kids going through  hell that are upsetting me a bit and watching my Terria go through it as well further upsets me, a tune up of sorts and nothing too pressing, I miss Michael's candor and true genius and hope to find a little solace in the truths I call my own and the life of choices that I have made that i am totally accountable for. Still had some really bad thoughts of my indiscretions last spring and some guilt involved that i must forgive myself real soon. But it will be a productive visit and one that has been a long time in waiting. So for now it's bedtime and rest for the morning. Good night

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