Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Thought or Two

I don't know about most people outside of Texas or Detroit, but I had a difficult time choosing between the Rangers and the Tigers in the ALCS? The cream rose to the top and the better team won but I liked what the Tigers did this year and really like Jim Leland, the Rangers and Josh Hamilton and company will go on to win the world series I presume. Since the National league teams are still playing and  really don't like any of them at all I will root for the AL team this year which is the Rangers. A lazy day of baseball and nothing much else, a trip to the gym and that was it.

Tomorrow will be much the same , Football and the baseball game will be intertwined amongst the day I imagine and again, a trip to the gym and a session in the pool to enjoy the sun and exercise. Terria still nursing a bit of a cold and feeling a little sluggish and resting nicely so I will do what I can to help her out around here. Today was a little strange , I actually felt lie going for a motorcycle ride after seeing a few guys riding in town today as  left the gym. It came and passed and I knew that if I rode today, the bike would sit for 2 weeks before it got  action again so not a big deal  just a fleeing thought of what used to be is all! Made me think just how spoiled I am and that my life is more than a fleeing moment.

I can try to figure out things to write about, whats going on here besides the the bad news on TV, the disarray all over the world and people getting beaten up for free speech and rights to assemble peacefully, I guess the man doesn't take kindly to being exposed and seems a little embarrassing to have the world now backing up the cause as big business is now the chosen enemy, what took you so long Is my only question. Been saying as long as I can remember that big business runs this country, always has and the fact that politicians aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are in their pockets seems very UN American to me, or maybe it is American since it s so commonplace these days and now with media exposure just can't hide it as easily as you could during the Cronkite era of reporting news and facts.

So enough with the serious shit and try to lighten to mood up a bit, still trying to figure to figure out the Social networking sights and their usefulness to society or to myself, seems like most ,or some don't like my hard hitting subjects or even my humor ,or is it the few that do get it have much more important crap to deal with then listening to me unload on society for no reasons other than to do it because I can. People get butt hurt, people get offended at whatever they don't understand, which by rule is generally themselves and their inability to laugh at themselves and then lives they claim as their own. I love who I am and where I am in life, it makes me feel good to free myself from the burdens of yesterdays and tomorrows solutions are all so easy to mend so where s my stress level? I have none, well maybe with Braz fighting in the sand and Ty becoming a father soon and Brandon still finding his way in life , other than that we are golden! So much for keeping it light and that's that! Ah Hell, I love to be entertained , I love to laugh, I enjoy a Chancey poem or the occasional Facebook fist fight with anybody, but most of all I love the life that I have, My wife Terria, the kids ,the job and all the other stuff that goes along with the life, the responsibility to those that matter in my life and the ability to take on those responsibilities is very satisfying to say the least. Very Blessed and very thankful for all of the goodness that has been bestowed upon me, just need to remind myself how good I have it and to never complain, because there are many millions more who have so much less than we do, so to Happiness and to health and to the Love we share everyday together. I do Appreciate everything that I call my Life

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