Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Liam Lynch - United States of Whatever (Late Show)

Feeling a little whatever today but not really in a bad way just in a deal with whatever comes and really nothing important to deal with today. Feeling a little empty today with the Kids all being gone and on their way to the Desert as we speak and into harms way again! Terria and I are really closer this week and we try and hold each other up as we are feeling a little sadder these days. The fact that the kids came home for 2 weeks was probably a mistake on their part as they will further miss what they left behind, but live and learn and progress in their growth as young adults and we as older adults in a constant state of Flux!

The day off yesterday was much needed, emotionally and physically needed for sure, the time with Terria and the kids was very precious for sure, the PArty on Saturdayat richards house was really awesome, and then Monday night at the house was so much fun to see all together in a loving and caring manner. The day has brought us rain today and the much needed cleansing of the air and the souls , we hope that we can move to the next platform of understanding the roles as parents, Husbands and wives and friends alike. We need to grow and grow each day we shall towards the happiness that we see grow and work harder to maintain that growth together. I am very blessed to have , feel and experience the life that i have with all the major players that contribute to my happiness every single day. So much love ,care and concern from so many wonderful people!

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