Thursday, October 20, 2011

Parenting That Never Ends

Just got a text from Terria and says that Ty is at the recruiters office and looking to enlist in the military as apparently all has not gone so well in Missouri with his girlfriend. I ask how she is with this and how she feels about now possibly having 2 of our boys in the military at the same time? I assume that she feels like I do and what can you do, in today's economy that's the only option for a young kid these days. So we shall see what he will do when push comes to shove! I just hate the fact that our boy's have grown up so fast when growing up at a slower pace would have taught them better decisions making. But water under the bridge now and do the best with what you have. As parents there is a time to wash your hands of guilt and feelings of despair, we feel bad for those bad decisions that they make but there is nothing you can do when a kid constantly tells you that they know, i know this or that when in fact they will know through the school of hard knocks that they should have listened to us a little better than they chose to do. been there done that is always a better way to teach than to say, let's try this and see how it works, No , we've tried it, seen if it works or doesn't ,and if it didn't found a way to make it work ,which that luxury for the boys was never utilized by their choosing!

The joys of parenthood are great as are the toils and headaches of all the things we thing we should have done. Yeah there's guilt and remorse for our kids sake, we did make mistakes but there was never a time when we compromised safety and proper upbringing but little things like saying no when we should have yes, and Yes when No turned out to be the proper answer, being Imperfect we can only raise imperfect children it's the way it all works!

So i guess it's almost time for lunch, so much thought and reflection going into our days and nights, lives! We want the best for everybody and sometimes are helpless to do what they need to do for them, not our place, or within arms reach is not an option  but we always worry, and care and love in the only way a Parent knows how to " Unconditionally" and no days off !  So i head to lunch with a heavy head and thoughts abounding about, I see the day getting better as it progresses, hope that we can get to the gym and get the monster workout done and feel better before a little bit of the world series game tonight ,Game 2

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