Sunday, October 9, 2011

What Day is It?

Feeling a little lost today, not sure if it's Friday or Saturday, it's early Sunday as I write this now and I enjoyed an overly quiet evening watching the Ballgame and watched my Terria sleep it away, a little under the weather so I watched her sleep while the game went on. Didn't do too much today, Terria slept in and  went to breakfast with Tim and April in Camarillo and then went to the gym for a really nice workout and a nearly empty gym ,much to my enjoyment, no pool today just weights and resistance for an averall good gym session

Being Sunday already, I guess we watch the Cardinals tomorrow as my Rams have the Bye week, a much needed Bye week for sure. After games I will head to the pool and swim and depending on how Terria feels tomorrow will try and do something with her, a drive, cup of coffee somewhere, something with my wife. Did enjoy  UCLA and Notre Dame victories today which is always a good thing. Weird week so far with Jobs and Al Davis dying, the biggest question is who will be the third significant person to pass away on us??? Not much of an Al Davis Fan but do respect his work in the early NFL/AFL years, now Steve Jobs is an incredible man, the innovative genius that he was is amazing to all of us that use the Apple line of products, such as the ipod and the very MAC that I type from now,the Ipad 2 that Terria beats her fingers on are truly amazing pieces of technology ,so damn nice and so spoiled are we to enjoy the fruits of his labors!

Areal bone of contention that i have been having and maybe a testament to where we are as a society and as people. The fact that social sites as Facebook and Twitter are the birthplace of meaningless drivel and really not much more than an ass kissing political correct forum for friends to keep in touch and play kissy face and share wonderful thoughts and dream laden wishes of perfect times. Maybe I should start posting fluff stuff so people won't have to think about responding to my thought provoking posts that require some thought and some sense of obligation to think beyond the Kardashian level of simplicity. I can quote lines from a song that signify my stance on things or make a political statement with a posting of an article and really get no responses, which in itself is fine, but these things require some thought and maybe a  response or two, but instead a buddy posts how he was cold and broke out a thick blanket and gets 30 responses, granted he has accepted 300 friends o Facebook, i have 16, which I was hoping were thought provoking type of folks but seems I might need to look for a new group of folks to bounce some dialogue off of. they are all good people ,just can be a little too PC since they do have more friends that they might offend! Just a peave of mine to communicate with sometimes controversial social subject matter that we  should be able to have a conversation on and bounce some ideas around. But the simplicity of most folks, even the intelligent ones that i have chosen as my friends just amazes me sometimes. I'm not an attention hound, just want to have an intelligent conversation with somebody other than My wife and oldest Boy Brandon, it's hard to get people outside their comfort zones, guess I'll have to go outside mine and try to simplify my postings on the social cesspool of thoughtless dialogue... I'm not thinking so!!!! lol! I've got to find some intrigue and interesting subject to ping pong some crap around!  Good night, or morning in this case

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