Monday, October 17, 2011

2 1/2 Men Sucks

After 8 seasons of watching 2 1/2 men I think it has run it's course and it's time to find something new to do at the 9pm hour on Monday nights. Really ,really bad show with the new dude and not even funny in the least bit. So I look forward to new endeavor on the tube and now will officially be devoid of any TV on the networks that I can say I am a fan of. So it's onward and upward in the realms of quality Television via the networks or otherwise.

Really looking forward to this years World Series with the Rangers and Cards swapping turns at losing Baseballs. It should be a decent series and for the first time I will be rooting for an American League team since I thoroughly dislike, No hate, the Cardinals and their pompous manager Larussa for so many reasons! We shall see who can stop the hottest team in MLB the Cards of St.Louis. Come Wednesday I will be glued to the TV watching the first pitch ,hope it is well-played and not a lopsided affair.

A decent Monday at work, stayed up from most of the day and answered phones and helped walk ins today, a couple of co-workers out again today, no big shocker and the usual suspects as I Like to call them keeps the comedic ball rolling for sure in that office. I just show up and assume that most won't either be physically  or emotionally present and take the workplace as a joke and still fail to realize that we are so damn blessed to do what we do and make a good living doing so! So off off Kutcher and on to something new, oh look ,Mike and Molly!! lol!!!!

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