Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday's Done Right

Friday came and went very smoothly today, the day off allowed me a sleep over til 830, not really a sleeper on my days off as  feel wasted days by sleeping in too much! Anyway, I woke up, opened up the web, the daily newspaper, my LA times was lost or stolen this morning so I couldn't read about the Yankees loss and it kind of pissed me off, not the loss, the inability to read about it this morning with that awesome cup of coffee did. Got motivated and went to the gym for a 1030 start time at Bally's where I did 45 minutes on the weights and then went into the pool for 45 minutes more of running and swimming in the pool. Felt great working out and swimming today and really wore me out,  headed to the Jacuzzi and enjoyed about 15 minutes of the heat and relaxation. Finished that up and headed in for a good shower and then had to think what  was doing for lunch, I decided on Chinese take out  and headed to Ventura to do so, ate a bit and brought the rest home to share.

After lunch I went on Base to pick up a Camcorder and a USB cord from a friend ,trying to turn her video card into a video DVD and am having a hard time on the Mac getting it done, I will figure it out and get it back to her on Tuesday If it kills me, trying to be a techie but not really as good as I need to be at it, I suppose I will get it and it will come! Feel a little bad for my friend who has her hands full with kids and really no dad around so whatever the case may be I'm trying to be a good dude and help her out with these very sensitive videos of one of the kids dads who recently passed away to cancer and some of the last shots of him alive with his daughter are captured here so It means allot to me to get these done right, even if I have to outsource it If I can't figure it out!

After that I was able to come home and wait for my honey to come home from work and help me start off my 4 day weekend with my Terria, watched a couple of Playoff Baseball games and enjoyed the games, not the outcomes but the games were played at the top level and pitching ruled the day and the series all the way around, good pitching always beats good hitting standing side by side. We had a simple home cooked dinner together which consisted of toasted tuna melts with chips and chili dip as a side, very good ,relatively light and just lounging and playing on the website spewing my day and sharing the day with my computer screen if not the WWW. So thank you Terria for relaxing with me and  sharing the tranquility we call our lives, very nice evening and look forward to a great Saturday ....Good Times and Good Night!

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