Sunday, October 2, 2011

Special Family Weekend

what a whirlwind the past 2 weeks have been, Braz and Nikki in town a ready to head back to their post in the desert on Tuesday. Been a real wake up call for the kids and the families all recognizing the importance of family and the real need to spend as much time as we can with our loved ones.  We were very lucky to get everybody together on Saturday night at Richards Moorpark home and spent an evening of good food and stories all around,some good ones ,some horrific and very depressing but we listened intently to those as well. We had a perfect day in which to enjoy the kids and the ambiance of Richards amazing home!

As we near the kids departure, Ty was home from Missouri and visited his brother and the rest of us for a seemingly very short time, the thoughts of our boys being on their own and maybe not yet ready to do so the right way is beyond our control, we hope and wait for the other shoe to drop at times but that's the cost of trying to play grown up when you're not quite ready for the responsibilities of the job. But we as parents know nothing and the teenagers know it all and that's that I suppose.

Embarking upon another work week will be good, loving what I do and dealing with the plethora of curve balls the goofball staff throws at us on a given day be it attendance, lack of attendance or attendance with no usefulness in that attendance it's very comical to me and I always love the wild card affect of who will be there and what they will do to make me laugh if they are at work, it's all very amusing to me!

So sitting here and writing about my days, my weeks my emotions of my kids going away again I feel a very somber tone in the house with Terria and I trying to figure out certain things about our boys lives that they have yet to figure out, all in all it's very frustrating at times to watch train wrecks from miles away but as I said, we know nothing and our judgement and experiences mean nothing, we're just old people right? But whatever the case we alway support the boys and hope the growth happens sooner than later , and we wait!

Spent a really great weekend with family and my best friend Scott and his girlfriend, they came to Rich's house on Saturday and Terria and I drove to Santa Barbara to meet them for Breakfast this morning for more conversations over coffee and a meal, Yes a really good time and weekend to ponder and reflect upon all that really matters to me in life, my family, my friends and my continued happiness and search for the next greatest thing, whatever it may be, call it greediness, call it whatever but my need to always seek out a deeper, stronger understanding of the happiness and the life that Terria , My family and I share is incredible! I am in fact one weird, strange, or incredibly gifted unorthodox dude, but the search for that special something is not a detraction from where I am, just insight as to where I can be,always looking to get better, always trying to be happier. Thanks to Terria and my boys, the family and my few friends for allowing Greg to grow and to continually be who he is, THe Great unpredictable Gregasaurus

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