Monday, October 10, 2011

A Short Extended Weekend!

Watching another disappointing 2 1/2 men episode and not feeling the humor with the new guy at the helm! I will give it 2 more weeks and then pull the plug on the show that I loved so much, owning seasons 1-7,looking for Sheens last season 8 to complete the ensemble. Hard to replace a stable star in most things, unlike and athlete , there are no stats to compare them to, watching the listless and not very funny new show is a damn shame but there are other things to do these days!

The long weekend is over and back to work in the morning for a short week and hopefully smooth and quiet week.  THe weekend came and went very quickly, a somewhat quiet 4 days of mainly gym and home cooked meals with the wife and enjoyed a quick trip to Santa Barbara for Pizza and salad at one of our spots, Pizza was ok and the drive was very soothing!  But it is time to get back to work and back on point of the daily schedule of normalcy.  SO not much planned for the days ahead, a Concert in Irvine on the 22nd with Nevarez and his daughter for his birthday, going to enjoy Social Distortion at the VErizon in IRvine, former home of Lion Country Safari when we were kids!

So look forward to finishing up the Video project that is kicking my ass, hoping to help out a gal at work by putting the video from her camera on a DVD and am not all the way convinced that I can get it done, but will take it all in tomorrow to work and ask more tech  savvy folks at work to help me through it all and make her DVD of some very sentimental moments for her to keep and show her kids, good luck to me, if not I can run it to my Apple dude in Ventura and he will do it for me for 20 bucks or so and the bottom line will be taken care of! Good Times , heading off to bed , watch a little Wings DVD and then hit the hay with my Honey!  Really looking forward to the week ahead and some good weather in the forecast in the mid to high seventies and sun shining bright

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