Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A long weekend which took us thorough the Orange county and a great social D concert in Irvine, much driving and a very tiring weekend culminating with a trip to Will ave. and the childhood home of Bob Nevarez, we had a nice meal and dessert celebrating his birthday with his family, they got to meet the "Saint " as he calls Terria and loved her to death! A very nice visit for sure. Back to work on Monday and the usual Hijinx of people not caring about their jobs and driving me totally insane with the lack of work ethic. But who am i to decide who does what ,i just pick up the pieces and do what I'm supposed to do and part of what they're supposed to do, no worries because I can and Do, Thanks to my co-worker Sabrina C. for being so helpful and so supportive throughout the workday, my little sister as i call her we always help each other out and cover one an others ass when we need to. Thanks Midget!

Today is a good day so far , the overcast skies don't cast doom upon today, just the signs of winter coming and the harsh realities of an Oxnard winter of 60 degree days...ewwwww horrible i know! So here i am thinking about my Boys Braz and Ty, Braz in afghan land fighting a meaningless war and Ty in Missouri fighting his own personal wars in Trailer land! I wish the best to my boys and know that they are young and full of their own insecurities and lack of coping skills to see the bigger picture in life. Who on earth would 2 good looking young men ever tie themselves down at 19 and 20 years to be with what they think is their last stop in loveland??? i think not, the train that wrecks today is no better for wear tomorrow and these young boys have no idea what type of mess that they are setting themselves up for, regret and bitterness for they shoulda , woulda, coulda done things differently , but they don't listen to the people who have done it already, made the mistakes and have this wealth of knowledge to share with them , they fall on their own and that's that I suppose, sad but true, the me generation must find out the hard way instead of the right way! As for Brandon my oldest boy , he still looks for that final directio in life and will find whatever he is looking for because his failures and successes are his own and he has nobody to tie himself down but himself. so continue going to school, work a Little and wait the for the answer to come to him. Being a parent never ends and that's what we signed up for as adults, it's all good and it's what we expected,even if at times a little frustrating and painful, but we manage because we are the adults and know that there is always light at the end of the Proverbial tunnel!

What else is going on in my world? The world series is turning out to be a really good one, hating La Russa and watching him lay an egg last night being the supposed genius which he is not and never has been, throwing nobody under the bus but taking no responsibility for it himself essentially throws everybody but himself under that bus. Hoping that the Ranger win the next game and take the ring away from the Cards but really don't care too much in the outcome, have a friendly $10 wager at work for the Cards and would gladly pay it off if the Rangers would win it all. Must wait til Wednesday for that game 6 to make it all happen. The new workout regiment is kicking my ass a bit but feel really good and hope that this gets a little easier, having my friends at the gym who really like to talk to me while I'm working out makes it difficult at times and these guys aren't the type of guys you tell to Go away, all older , kind men who for some reason think I'm ok to talk to , I should consider it an Honor that these very nice and some of them very intelligent men find me interesting enough to talk to ?  

AS I was watching the game the conversations via text with Robert and Scott were priceless, Nevarez and i were calling pitches, changes , what would happen in the game and the whole nine yards, then Scott chimes in via text how the Stand up to Cancer commercials with Tony Gwynn and the like  come on and he has me howling at the fact that Tony Gwynn the only man in history to Gain weight while being treated for cancer and even suggested that the chemo was hidden in sticks of butter, I know it was mean but all in humor and never mean to be malicious at all, i laughed so hard i nearly shit myself and Robert and i were dying at the fact that Ranger's Manager Ron Washington dances and prances when he gets excited and we called it "Gettin Jiggy with it" It was a great night, Terria was out shopping for what seemed an eternity and i missed her by my side but she needs to get away and it was a quiet household from 8-10 pm for me last night, with the exception of the howling that my guys were putting me through , a crazed man laughing by himself...what a funny picture that must have been. any way back to work and up to the  front I go, have nothing pressing and nothing moving in my desk as I write this, hell even forgot 2 1/2 men were on last night  because i no longer watch that dud of a show because it sucks now!

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