Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Drive To Somewhere?

Well i didn't take a day off from the gym yesterday and am seriously thinking that today could be the day to do so?? I am heading home here shortly for a long 4 day weekend and truly look forward to some sleep and some time to do more writing here on my site. The ideas of growing up and older are really resonating in my head today, spoke to Braz today and he signed off with old man, I responded with the day he could kick my ass i would admit to being old, so there might be some denial on my part But  truly never going to get old in my head, at least that's the plan for now. My carefree ways and easy lifestyle make it easier to stay relatively young and my attempts at the gym keep me strong and somewhat limber.  So i head off towards the weekend with nothing planned as of yet, have a retirement party of Saturday that i won't attend , a whole lot of things that we need to do that we will  not do and an entire gaggle of things to sort out and go through and eventually toss that will be left to collect more dust.

So on my drive home today I will contemplate the gym versus taking it off, gym or workout, the guilt or the satisfaction? Whatever the case will be I have a day off Tomorrow to do whatever i want while Terria is at work and can workout allday if need be, use the pool and jaquzzi to relax so the drive home will tell many stories about where I am mentally tonight.  Which was will i jump, reminds me of a milltown brothers song that i am so fond of from the 90's, either way I have 4 days to do whatever and terria and I have yet to set anything is semi stone so we are open , trying  not to spend too much money theses days as we tend to do but who knows maybe we will buy something we don't need this weekend I just do not know where the weekend will take us and that's half the fun of living the dream and being where i want to be with the woman i want to be with at all times! So i close the day with a happy thought and a hug to my boys away from home and to Terria and Brandon who i can touch every day, thankfully can do so and am so blessed to do so! Good times and a great weekend upon me Now!.....later

1 comment:

  1. made it to the gym today after the thoughts of not going today and it really felt good for some reason, better than most workouts and looking forward to a good sun drenched Friday and a light workout and a swim in the pool! ready for 4 days off and not a plan in sight!
