Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Resourceful and Costly Day

Pretty good day today at work, was able to get a little done today, took a late lunch and had the workout of my life and spent 130 bucks at the damn Smart and Final, how did I do that?  Be whatever it was I had a great day for sure, the day flew by and took an extra long lunch to accomplish the aforementioned workout and shopping spree. I left work about 1230 on my way to the gym for what I had planned to be an epic workout, then after the workout had to stop by the Smart and Final and pick up Dog Food,Bread and some butter, nothing else!

So I went to the gym, on the way had it in my mind to do something I'd never done before. As  was driving I was compiling a workout in my head to be implemented when I arrived at the gym. Having taken a day off the previous day I was a little anxious to get back to the gym and had not taken a day off in about 4 plus weeks, so it was time for a free day and Monday was it. Get to my first machine and dial it down about 2 plates and start the routine for six sets of 16 on each machine. There are 18 machines and exercises I was doing today so 18 times 6 sets is 108 sets of exercises completed in under one hour 20 minutes. After i finished I knew I had come up with something really special to implement and add to the pool and the cycling to have a complete workout all throughout the week.Tomorrow will bring either the pool or cycling  and some stretching of some sort, so It was an awesome workout, on to the store for a quick trip for a few items right? ..Wrong!

I get to the local smart and final, head to the Dog food aisle throw the 40lb bag into the basket and  head to the bread and butter, loaded and seemingly ready to go, pick up some fruit, then Chocolates for the office staff, peanut butter,Crackers,Tuna,Cereal, milk, lunch meat ,meat, more fruit, another variety of Chocolate, more butter and other things that I don't recall. Head up to the checkout stand and load up the tramway and start mentally calculating the total, usually pretty good at guesstimating the total , I added a Rockstar for the drive back to work and the total was 130 dollars, for a 12 minute shopping spree on my was back to the workplace and even gave Terria shot at the total cost , she comes in at 125, just 5 dollars off, I was at 105 and way off. Di buy the stuff we needed and some things that I didn't but keeping the office stocked with Chocolate is always a good idea and a morale builder. So some Hershey miniatures and some mini snickers bars put some smiles on the faces of my troubled staff of miscreants and ghouls! Overall a different type of shopping spree, workout, and day altogether. Made some really good tacos for dinner, had less than I wanted and yet enough to be happy with the project. Look forward to tomorrow and another uneventful day at work, a trip to the golf course at lunch to hit balls and then gym after work. Get home in time for the first pitch of World Series game 1...Go Rangers!

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