Thursday, October 13, 2011

Less than Thorough Thursday

A rather uneventful day today, work was quiet again and the usual suspects were doing their thing to make work as interesting as it can ever get. Co-workers gone missing and the select few doing the work for them s they can galavant about in a workless-like state, laughing inside and out all day long! Some seriously funny crap happened today on top of the usual circus, the usual suspects were tasked the duty to go and get the office Bagels at a bagel shop about a mile from the office, the boss paid for them and expected hs usual 2-3 Onion bagels which are his favorites and everybody in the building knows this, he loves onion bagel for crissakes. An hour later and a  no Onion Bagels later the 2 come back with the weirdest variety of Bagels to date, everything but what the Boss ordered and always wants. A little perturbed at the chain of events he apparently made it very clear that he was no happy and that once again the crew of two got what they wanted but forgot to get the main man's order right. This is also the same person who who I sent out for food one morning for the office, told her to ask everybody what they wanted , write it down and head over to a local eatery to place the order, before I could place my order they were gone and filled everybody's order but mine, the guy who handed over my debit card as a sign of solidarity and intended kindness was left out of the loop and was offered up some extras from other people's orders . I wasn't upset just a little stunned at it all and this kind of stuff happens all of the time with seeming regularity as the mind seems to be elsewhere when details are to be followed. So nice and pleasant but at times very shaky in the common sense department. so t s safe to say that we won't be asking our JJ to get food anytime soon, hard to get angry at her as she is a good person with a glowing case of ADD or some sort of mind lapse situation going on but she always means well and somehow doesn't seem to connect all of the dots and complete the mission

So with that drama in the freezer for now I look forward to a very tranquil Friday workday, must get some dual sided DVD's to complete my project for my friend on base by making a Movie from her Video Camera of some very sad and final days of family members who passed away over the past year or so. This weekend has really not been discussed at length, hoping for more good weather and looking forward to a whatever we decide to do weekend with nothing pending and nothing too difficult to walk away from or walk towards! Just the freedom of empty nesters to do what the heart desires. Gym, Golf, Drive up the coast, we shall see!

Did enjoy a really great casserole that Terria made tonight, I came home from the gym and had the aroma in my nose and the heat in the house from the days temp and the oven burning. As the food was finishing n te oven I was able to whip up a couple of yellow cakes for a couple of birthdays in the building that required celebration, one of them my boss who didn't get the Onion Bagels and if I cold make an Onion cake as a Joke I would but that would a jackhole move that only I cold not only get away with but pull off, another day and it will happen. Made the cakes , put them in as the dinner came out, t was so good , thank you Terria for that delicious concoction.  Cakes were done  and let them cool, made vanilla frosting and Chocolate Ganache for the drizzle and the center layers f my cales, made the cakes look like an ice cream Sundae's with the White Frosting and the chocolate ganache combinaton, looked really cool, based on the sample we tasted, it is really tasty and rich so I will adorn them to Pete my Boss  and Baby Agnes across the hall.  So for now it is Goodnight!

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