Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Staff Meeting Was Tame

The morning meeting was much tamer than I was hoping and i was really and truly hoping for an ass kicking by Peter! The usual business was handled with some minor and not so minor changes coming down the pike in the future. Then the bomb drops and he says a few things that the daydream believers don't want to hear and feel they are entitled to , forgetting that this is a work place and a job and not a daycare center for the masses. So of course the thinned skinned get butthurt and the rest of us laugh at them !

Bringing your 21 year old daughter to work and hanging out allday is not acceptable in any workplace in the world, but some think it's ok for them. I don't have a problem but would never think to being my older kids to work just to hang out, they all have jobs or fulltime school and are too busy to do so, but if they weren't they'd be looking for a job or looking to do something productive besides having a day off everyday! We all have our differences but common sense and knowing protocol is not that difficult. The jobs we have are very simple and we get paid way too much to do what we do on a daily basis. So let em be Ass cracked and lets get back to the business of providing world class customer service to our clients, the reasons we have a job in the first place!!!

So that being said we move on to the rest of the day and the jobs at hand. the work will change in 2014 when we no longer have as many properties to manage and might be moved to a different portion of Housing the military personnel. so we wait and see and hope that through attrition that nobody loses their jobs in the grand scheme of things.  Feeling a little better today with the Sciatic thing going on in my ass, but still takes a few minutes to work the tinge out of it and is quite sore . can still work it out at the gym and feels better, until I sit down and cool off that is then the stiffness kicks in and it becomes an ongoing bear to work out the kinks again. But i truly do feel it is better than yesterday and maybe it was a bad as it was going to get and the upward curve is in effect??? Hope so anyway, very annoying and very time consuming to stretch out after every elongated sit down session. Another beautiful day in Cali is coming to a close , the workday has a few hours left and I look forward to the gym and the sweat of it all and cannot wait to get my concrete project done and over tomorrow and be ready for Ty's going away gathering at the house. Once again good times continue in My life and in my world, working hard to improve upon that which is already pretty damn incredible, so much easier when i have such an incredibly amazing partner to assist me through each and every day, hoping that I do the same for you too Honey???

1 comment:

  1. The first day of summer is rocking so far, I love this time of year where the Sun stays out late and so can I. Loving the rides and BBQ's into the night hours! So damn Nice
