Thursday, June 23, 2011

Farewell To Ty!!!!

Ready to leave the workplace today at 2 pm , i have a few things that need to be tightened up before we entertain family tonight for the Ty going away/Graduation Party at the house. Have some last minute cleaning and tidying up around the yard and house so it will be set and ready for the family visit tonight. So much to do and Terria has done most of it all by herself with very little assistance from me, but i am trying to catch up with her today. Heading to the gym for a quick workout, come home and  do the work around the house then shower and put some shorts on and ready myself to see the family. My knucklehead mom called this morning asking if she was invited and i laughed at her and said"No shit" of course  and asked her if she was serious about that!  Other than that should a good time and a decent farewell to the young dingleberry we call Ty.

Very pleased with the concrete work the guys did yesterday, really makes the yard look bigger and so happy we went with concrete instead of rock! Amazingly they were in at 7 am , started working and were done digging up and forming and pouring 6.5 yards of concrete by 12. they were funny and hung out and drank some Beer i had in the fridge from Saturday when I had some of the crew over for food and drink.

So much to do this summer, have so much on my to do list for the house and yet might not be able to complete it all, the holiday coming up and the Dodger game with Tim and Ape on 4th of July, then we head to the midwest for our summer Baseball trip and other things in the adjoining areas! Yes, we will be quite busy and hopefully my to do list will be set up and checked off before Terrias new school year starts. Well I'm changing into gym clothes and heading Bally's way then home to start my list of to do's for the day. My blessing to my family and friends and all of my sick and recovering folks out there and my best wishes to Braz and Nikki in Afghan today out on mission, and a safe return of all of the troops really soon.

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