Saturday, June 4, 2011

Graduation Day

Today we have a goos day planned of going to My Niece Kayely's High School Graduation from ST. Bonaventure in Ventura and then have a celebration lunch at Paradise Cove in Malibu. This is right on the water and serves some really good food without the Malibu feeling of stuffiness! We bring all of the family together with some we want to see and those who we really don't but go in support of our Niece and soldier on in the attempts to have a great day and another stepping stone for this young lady, who will be attending  a small Christian College in Montana this fall on a full ride playing Softball. The Lyons family already has 2 college grads and will now have 2 attending school at the same time at different schools! So mom and Dad Lyons should be very proud of their kids accomplishments and they are!  After the fun time in Malibu we plan on coming home and making my Friend Robert Nevarez's Mom a birthday cake of strawberry cake, with strawberry filled layers and strawberry butter frosting, we will make enough to either make a few cupcakes or a small layer cake for ourselves . Should be a very action packed day and we must first begin it with a trip to Bally's gymnasium for a rough and tumble hour of whatever we can muster up this morning , not really feeling the love for the gym but will eat poorly today and need to justify to food with a workout. Good day planned for sure,gym ughh

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