Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good To Be Happy

Closing out a good weekend with a nice quiet evening with Terria, relax and made some really interesting if not tasty deep fried coconut friend chicken with homemade mashed potatoes, with butter and mayo inside, so bad for you but so good,oh yeah and some veggies to even out the playing field a bit. School is out for Terria and I get to go back to work tomorrow, had a friend cancel Golf with me tomorrow so I will practice and go to the gym afterwards. Looking forward to the summertime of riding the motorcycle and enjoying the southern california weather that we pay such high land costs to enjoy! I'm starting a new regiment at the gym tomorrow and try to lower the carb i take and try to drop 20 lbs before our Chicago trip next month so I can eat a little more when we are there and not feel so bad about it all. Still have the yard project to finish and the room project ,but had a set back with the plumbing this past weekend and by daytime boss who is also my plumber so he came out twice to re route an to snake and re do some stuff for me today as a matter of fact! Very nice to have him come out to essentially do it for half price of a plumber out in town,kudos Mr. Peter Faulk, my new hero for sure, no more trips to the 76 station to use the restroom at night...damn that sucked a bit.So anyway all of the grads are done and we are embarking on the plans we have for a productive and active summer. Work is going well and I am  ready for the new workweek, even moreso since it is my short week and I'm off Friday.This time last year we were coming home from St Louis after attending Braz's graduation at Ft. Leonardwood,this year he is in Afghanistan taking fire from the Taliban,WOW, the boy has grown up do much and we are so proud of him and will pray for his, and his platoon's safety on a daily basis. Congrats to the Dallas Mavericks for kicking Miami's ass and I feel good about that for sure!!!! Yes , we are really looking onward to a good summer and a great fall and holiday season upcoming.Looking forward to better health and better happiness and fitness that will enable us to prosper and be around so much longer. MY Ducati awaits my ass to ride it...... LOve to all and Happiness to anybody that touches my circle. Good to be so happy and be so vibrant with positive thoughts and the people that love me and I love them all back

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