Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7 Celebration

It's a beautiful southern California Tuesday morning here at work, sun shining and another 70 degree day in the forecast! All is well in My world and seriously contemplating getting through the yard project quickly and onto the summertime where Terria will be off for the summer and can meet me for lunch and start to plan weekend excursions away from the Nard. But first things first we must get through the weeks end and the graduations that we must attend and Terria's last school day is this Friday. Move to the summertime the trips are planned and the rides are planned and all is in sequence to come to fruition.

Sitting here at my desk  I have very little to do today, or tomorrow or any day soon to tell you the truth but WOW! how lucky am I do do what i do and make what I make doing what I really don't do anymore?  The world is in a good place, or my world is in a good place, the actual world is in a shitload of trouble and scandal after scandal seems to permeate the news these days and how sad is that? but the day will go on with or without scandal and fanfare, just another blessed and wonderful day in my world, which these days has become so very small.

But the main purpose of me writing today is to reflect, look forward and thank God for my opportunity to be in a place that i almost gave away for whatever reason. a year ago today Terria accepted me back into her life and we have built upon a strong foundation and the daily venture to today is a daily victory toward a future of growing old together. I try not to look back too much these days but when i do i see the aftermath of destruction and being in the trenches during the rebuilding of a marriage and trust and belief in one another, or her belief for and in me. My Trust in her was never an issue and truly the most incredible woman I have ever met on so many levels. So strong and so dynamic, how lucky am i to be loved by this incredible person that has enriched our lives on a daily basis. given and receiving the goodness that we share everyday is a beautiful thing. With the assistance Of Michael to keep us focused on our own personal demons and to work through them with the tools and the power to make ourselves and our relationship so much deeper and stronger on every level imaginable. What a great place to be  and don't ever plan on departing voluntarily anytime ever again! The day is a strong emotional day for me it marks both good times opening up and bad times of hurt and pain by my actions of last year. we have moved along and we have risen above the toils and troubles that i had created. So Blessed am i and so very happy to be where i am in my life

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