Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Anniversary Terria

Today brings me my tenth anniversary to my sweet Terria Lynn. Just 10 years ago almost to the minute we were married in a little Chapel in Santa Paula with 30 other close family and friends to bear witness to the best day of my grown up life.  The ceremony was done in Greg and Terria style with very little glitz and glamour just our motorcycles, our riding gear and the the love we would live and grow with to this very day. The ceremony was simple and lasted less than 10 minutes, we walked down the hall and off to waiting motorcycles to head back home to the clubhouse where a simple ceremonial reception was held.

The day some 25 years ago I met Terria while I was working at the Black Angus in Ventura, she was with friends and I was working in the bar that night and approached her to talk. After she wittingly blew me off I was speechless and proceeded on with my night. As they left for the evening i drew up the courage to ask her what she was doing after I got off work , she replied nothing,I asked if she wanted to meet and talk at 2am and she said Sure...why not?

I picked her up at her mom's house where she was down from college to witness the birth of her first Niece Karina and we talked til 6 am at which time she had to go as she had a flight to take her back to Nebraska later that morning. After months of correspondence she eventually moved into the area where she taught parochial school in the Valley, I would visit and talk on the phone and we had a very non committal relationship and were working on figuring out our role. During that time frame i was broken up with Tracy, the mother of Brandon, seems like we spent more time off than on in our relationship and fathered a Boy with her.

So one day  decided to get back with Tracy and eventually asked her to marry me, she did ,we were and then I made the call to Terria to let her know that I had tried to do the right thing by marrying Tracy and didn't even bother to tell her. she picked up the phone and had heard through mutual friends that  was married and she heard me out, her parting words were" Fuck You" Rightly so, as Terria never did anything but good things for me and with me.

Almost 12 years passed and not hearing or seeing my Terria , was separated from Tracy and living with my Son Brandon who was 12 years old by now, I married Tracy when he was 3 1/2 and was a, as I said separated more than together with her. by this time Tracy had moved away and left me with my son to raise and enjoy, no fight , no fuss just handed over ..thank you very much Tracy! THe gift of my boy was the best thing she ever did. so she moved to Washington state and married the guy she cheated on me with, Good times, and thank you Paul for taking over payments!

So one evening ,October 9,1997,I get a call while living in Ventura with Brandon, the phone was a very familiar voice and I knew who it was, It was Terria who was in the area soon and wanted to see how I was doing, I spoke to her for awhile and we parted and said to get in touch when she came to visit her mom. At the Time I was a committed relationship of over 2 years with my co-worker Gina yeah bad idea but what 's dumbass to do.   Time went on and around Christmas time she called and left a message saying she was in town and wanted to know if I wanted to have dinner with her, I said sure, Gina was not very happy and I didn't care, a married woman with a man in a relationship was safe enough. All went well and we parted our ways,hoping to stay in touch sometime soon.

Just one week later i go to work and had been having issues in my relationship with Gina, just the constant nagging and demeanor busting of my chops! I had finally had enough and called it quits with her that day and shortly after received a call from Terria at work sharing with me that she had just asked for a divorce from her abusive husband and had been lying to herself as I had been about our happiness in our relationships. We were long lost friends who at last freed ourselves of the burdens of the lies!

we met a week or so later to talk about the breakup, as friends we were there for each other and tried to help one another in getting through our  issues with our soon to be ex's. We had no intentions of leaving our relationships they just ended at almost the same exact time. We proceeded cautiously as friends and then started to see more of each other, she living 90 minutes away wesaw each other when we could. nearing summertime we were introduced to each others kids , Terria had met Brandon when he was 6 months old but we met the boys and went to the park and just hung out and watched them do their thing. Braz was 6 and Ty was 5, Brandon was 12 and we walked slowly towards a real relationship

Eventually we became a couple and she moved here to the area , we rented a house in Ventura and she got a job teaching in Santa Paula. We lived together for 3 years and finally ,10 years ago today, we tied the knot and have moved onward. We over came her divorce, my departure away from my marriage last May and have gone through rigorous efforts to regain the trust and places we were before, we have surpassed that mark and I am still trying to forgive myself for putting her through what I did last year. No Rhyme or reason just moving away from all that was perfect, and through therapy understand myself and  my mistakes a little better these days!

Terria has been an amazing wife, mother and friend to all of us, we are all so blessed to have her in our lives, she has held a broken man together and helped put me back together again. we have traveled far and wide but never truly apart from each other even through last springs debacle I was blessed with her strength and for her to take me back and accept the love that I still have to give shows how amazing she truly is.  Today is a very special day , a day that I will share with the ones that I love tonight, quiet, simple and so much of what we do these day...together. Thank you Terria ,o'wife of mine for giving me the best gift ever, the second chance to get it right...much Love, Greg!

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