Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Workday Humpday Wednesday

Wednesday is here and humpday wreaks of the end of the week for me, Working tomorrow and off this Friday for a nice respite to do whatever I want to do. Terria will be off Friday and we have nothig on the Docket but hanging out and going to the gym. Tonight I have brother date night with Big Brother Richard at Bandits in Camarillo for dinner and brother spewing, Baseball, Basketball , how we are so Happy that Lebron got his ass handed to him by the Dirkster From Dallas...hahaha! So we will eat a good healthy dinner and have an even healthier conversation with my big brother!

The workday is same as it always is, slow and low and the usual suspects serving as useless as ever. Missing my Lollipop kid today she's in LA doing a recheck from her recent surgery and I'm sitting up front solo again. the 1020 and 11 lunch takers are like clockwork and i won't take lunch til 1215-1230. Don't know how they take such early lunched, the rest of the day just drags on when they do that, not as if they're where they are supposed to be or doing what the are supposed to do when they are but you get the picture, a little disenchantment on my part and the Boss has a meeting scheduled to discuss these type of things. so we as an office do a good job but the strengths are few and the weak links are plenty and the constant overcompensation on one side of the house to compliment the other side is becoming more like the bullshit that it is!

 It does not affect my work or my job at all but the main point of taking advantage of a person and job that is so easy and get overpaid to do is somehow troubling to me. The use and abuse of the situation we have is coming to a boiling point with a less tolerant Boss Peter who sees and is tiring of the treatment that he receives and the lack of respect that is given As a result of his laid back approach. But that being said we all have a job to do and a place to be here at work, if we choose not to be there and not do what we get paid to do then reprimands are in order. Sad thing is the lack of accountability will make some butt hurt and start pointing fingers instead of being thankful for the jobs that they have and the knowledge of having it so easy when people in the real world bust their asses to make far less money and work 3 times harder to make it...just pisses me off. I do not work hard, but when i do have works it gets done and I am always available and in the right place to do so. For instance, right now I sit up front manning the phones, we have 4 people all at lunch with no regards for  front desk coverage, some take lunch at the same time everyday regardless of customer load , their time comes and they are off. so i sit, the lone man in the office , my boss in back doing his usual emails and calls and catching up on stuff and I Am here to take the burden off the office and will get lunch after i know people are back from their hour and a half lunches and whatever else they are doing. I will process to the local eatery for a quick lunch and make it back in less than the allotted hour, come back, check the front to make sure that the customers are all taken care of and then process where needed, no direction, no orders just make sure that the office is properly covered! I guess there's a reason why i received a cash bonus in my last check for the service award that me and another coworker received! So the day is nearly half over, i await lunch as breakfast was somehow skipped this morning and i proceed on to the front station that I now cover! Look forward to seeing my big brother then coming home to my honey!!! good times!

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