Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sweet Therapeutic Life

Once again I ventured out in the world of Blogdom, a peek at what the rest of the Blogosphere deems as interesting and provocative. Much to my chagrin I found nothing but family hour and baby pictures, some holy rollers spreading the news of God and the mens club meetings. all cool stuff but so very tame and so very lackluster to my palate. I love the fact that I can venture to the halls of the internet and view what other people place their stock in, the family, the wife , the children , the vacations, all good stuff and all part of our daily culture. We just spread that news a little differently.

This blog is by no means about ME, it's about my feelings and my likes and dislikes with the world and myself. always been one to take full accountability for my actions and reactions in life and here I am spewing my nonsense to the world and relinquishing my privacy, all in the name of therapeutic release. This place and my other site really allow me to do what i do best, write and express a given feeling or emotion, through he spoken work or keyboard stroke I love me some conversation, even if with myself.

The days ahead bring about excitement and joy, we have so much to look forward to and to be thankful for at the same time. where We are as a family in a good place, regardless of the changes that have occurred  with the boys being out on their own and doing their own thing,it is a growing a learning experience as a parent, we have to cut the ties and let the kids go and learn for themselves that this world will bite you in the ass if you are ill prepared to handle its' evil ways and tendencies. So we allow the kids to fly allow because they are doing it with or without our permission, being 18 and all has it's advantages for both parent and for child.

So we embark on another summer here real soon, this time last year we were in Missouri at Ft. Leonardwood celebrating our Boy Braz's boot camp graduation. This year will take us to Chicago , Detroit and to parts in between as we embark on another Vacation of Terria and i and enjoying these years with no kids to worry about.  Terria will be finished with teaching her 24th year (I think that's the #)? on Friday and then we have some things to do around the house, Ripping out the sod as we speak to incorporate an Arizona type yard with Gravel , no mowing and no fucking gophers to ruin my day and my once pristine Lawn.  The exterior of the house will get painted this summer as will our bedroom and the carpet replacement. so therer will be things to do and things to play with as well!

So today is a day where we get to install a drain from the kitchen and washer to the main sewer line, my boss is a licensed plumber and said he could do it in less than an hour , so we will leave here at 1 and head to Home depot and get the parts and pipes and fittings that we need and will be set to install the much need drain, no more drain hose for ther washing machine and all will be good, for less than $100 hes says , so good deal and good times, one day at a time , and one project almost done the next one on deck. good days in Saurusland

1 comment:

  1. Almost forgot,son Ty and niece Kristen are graduating from High school this Friday...yippppeeeeee! Congrats to the kids and the parents
