Friday, June 10, 2011

Forward and Onward "I Am Who I Am"

Friday morning is upon me and I sit here at front wondering what the weekend will bring us in the way of fun and frolic? a very quick workweek and the day brings me a Rio Mesa HS graduation of my little Niece Kristen. Leaving work at 1 pm for the 2 pm festivities. Kind of stuck whether or not to finish up my front yard project or give the work to a coworker who needs the money ? Depending on how i feel i might just knock it out myself  but shall see what the weekend has in store for Terria and I!

Feeling pretty good today and looking forward to better things ahead in regards to the summertime and enjoying my time with Terria to meet for lunches and take long weekends together with no plans or no responsibilities to anybody but ourselves these days. Sounding a bit selfish but knowing the sacrifice we have made to support our boys and help them to get their feet out the door is part of the rearing if to say,"get your rears out of here" ...not really, we love our boys and miss our boys the way they were but growth and life takes over and they must grow right along and progress and move on with that growth!!!

So much to talk about and to write about these days , I am trying to get my reading all caught up and somehow can't get behind anything right now. The thought of reading does not appeal to me but I can write anytime and feel better about that because it's mine and i own this site and the thoughts that go along with it on a daily basis. Yeah, this site and my other Gregasaurus site are a true salvation to my psyche, trust me the ability to share and vent the feeling and emotions on a place that I call my own Home is incredibly powerful! I put so much credence on these 2 sites as they are the main outlets, along with my wife to be able to express and share whatever is on my mind in a way that i don't care if i offend or say the wrong thing, because it's mine to use and abuse the way I want to, people who read this and know me , know that that is Greg, no better , no worse, just Greg

Made a quick  trip to Facebook for a real quick visit to say hello to the folks over in dreamland. For some reason just can't get behind the premise of Facebook, to me it's a reality show with bad players in it and who gives a fuck how your kids are doing???? But we live in a quick fix dream works society where folks think they need to belong to some type of fraternity to belong to the human race. My ass don't operate that way and i make my own way in the grand scheme of things. But i do have some good people that i have reunited with over there and for that it was a good thing while I was there but I as Greg have to evolve and move on constantly otherwise the boredom makes me Die a little everyday and that ain't where I'm at these days

Moving onward and continually forward I will continue to journal my thoughts and my peaves and be in my own little world that i choose to make very small these days! The joys of my life are many and the people I enjoy them with a very few, by choice and design I have made myself a very private person and have sought to fix the broken pieces of Greg and to refine the good pieces and continually grow in a positive manner to those in my life and to anybody who I come in contact with. "The Golden Rule" is where I sit and the way that I try to treat those around me and those who come in contact with the sometimes ASS and always straight shooter. I am Greg Duran and I am the Gregasaurus for these reasons! Good Days and Good times!

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