Thursday, June 9, 2011

Frank Schaeffer "My Spiritual Guru"

This is the current book that I am reading by Frank Schaeffer, This will be the 4th Schaeffer book that I have read and he is my favorite author by far.  Schaeffer is not only the reason I came back to Christianity but the reason I now follow the political scene and all it's nuances and negativity's. But the best and most important reason is the ethical spin on things and his interpretation of the bible which very much mirrors my beliefs on the good book. As he says worship our God , not the book, live by the golden Rule and be a good person. We should not judge ourselves but be judged by those who love us the most, we are only as good as the interpretation of the people we are closest to. If we think we are good but our wife and our kids think otherwise, based on how we treat them and the world which surrounds them, then we are in fact less than we thought we were and in dire need of re-evaluating the person that we are and have become. Schaeffer has also taught me many things about life and things beyond religion, based on his life and his upbringing in an uptight religious right lifestyle where his father Francis Schaeffer founded the original Far Right evangelical movement which help produce Falwell and Billy Graham and a few others of note, but those are the big 2 that Francis helped create and thus we have the Sarah Palins of the world today with their hypocritical lives and preaching under the guise of Religious righteousness. Frank Schaeffer was smartewr and better than that he removed himself from the riches and the phony lifestyle of becomming a follower of  his father and the Religious right and moved away to a more progressive, slightly left winged believer where he sought out peoples happiness instead of people being forced to live miserably by the Bible's flawed scriptures and becoming the judgemental monsters that the Far right have become. I admire his candor and his true religious beliefs, when he says there are days when he feel agnostic, we all do at times feel lie where was god at this point in time and why didn't God stop a certain tragedy. but the strength of faith allows us believe and to not believe as we see fit! I am a huge fan of Schaeffer and all of his writings and his speakings of goodness and the realities that he lives in , especially being brought up in a surreal world of make believe and rose above that to become bigger and better than his Father. So i get back to my book and enjoy the written word by my spiritual Guru Frank Schaeffer


  1. I'm touched and encouraged by your kindness, thank you! Frank

  2. No Frank! Thank you, Appreciate the email responses in late 2009 and this response, like getting a call from Willie Mays for me. Looking forward to your next California speaking engagement, til then looking forward to seeing you on Maddow or Olbermann!
