Monday, June 27, 2011

Appreciative and Forever Looking Onward

Monday is nearly down and the rest of week seems to be within  reach for me tonight. The hamstring/Sciatic nerve still flaring up but am used to the discomfort if not pain, thankfully I'm not a pussy when it comes to pain and soldier through the aches and am able to limp to work and then to the gym. The past 2 days I have spent both in the gym and at the pool and whirlpool trying to get something to give and snap back into place, no luck yet and a trip to the chiro is next!

Today Ty left east ward towards Missouri with Mandy and the progress is apparently rather slow, with no AC and very little common sense,I wish them both more luck than they might be capable of mustering on their own. Youth, such a fickle bastard it is and I hope the life lessons come at a reasonable price and don't bankrupt my boy's wherewithal and resolve! But come what may we sit back and wait for the shoes to drop and the voice of reality and reason to echo loudly and clear.

Tonight after the gym and the pool I came home and baked a couple of cakes, one regular size and one mini chocolate ganache cake for a going away for office mare Delores, and the other for friends in  the outer office in my building. All done and the cleanup was long and arduous this evening, seemingly more to clean and make an even larger mess than normal so took awhile to get my shit straight and all back where it needs to go in a clean manner...dammit I hate cleaning up after I cook or bake...ughhh.

Tomorrow looking forward to a full staff and less time up front answering phones and playing secretary but its all part of the gig and I really shouldn't complain too much since I do have a great job and they compensate me well for doing what little I do. Thinking about Ty and Braz away on their own away from home and doing their own thing so far away. Braz out on mission and we await the call that he's ok after each weekly mission, not easy at times but we manage with love and admiration and respect for one another each and every day. Knowing that this Thursday will be 10 year anniversary for us is a remarkable thing , so quickly does our life move along and I will touch upon that in a day or so. Thanks to Terria for being Terria and as I Said will do a little piece on the life and growth of our relationship as it stands and where it has progressed from, very great place to be i a marriage that has been so many places and has so much more ground to cover. I will not stop trying to improve upon the most important thing in my life, my wife and my kids and the greatest family a person could ever have...good times, Good night

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