Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weird Day!

A little bit of a different day today, started off at 530 am showered and met a friend from work at Ihop for breakfast. He showed up 25 minutes late and when he did arrive we enjoyed some good stories and laughs as we always do. He is out of work and bought me breakfast which pissed me off but I wasn't going to argue with the guy about, very Nice of him. I get to work and we have interviews going on in the office and the traffic is larger than normal as a result. I was treated to breakfast, treated to a lunch which I didn't eat, fried chicken which is too greasy for my abdomen these days , so i boiled me a few Hebrew nationals and ate before I headed out to the driving range to work on the old golf swing, all went well and feeling really good about my swing and the solid contact that I am making. I am foregoing the gym tonight and heading to the rehab center to see my mother who is rehabilitating her new titanium knee and hopefully will get to come home sooner than later, that place really creeps me out and the day of the living dead comes to mind when I visit this place, the sights ,sounds and smells are repulsive and I can only ask God to take me long before i get to that stage of diminished condition..please.  My mom is the spring chicken in this place and this is a rehab home  which also houses long termers as well. So i will head straight from work and visit my mom and meet my wife and the house for whatever we decide for dinner??? The light rains we had was much more than i though so an evening motorcycle ride wouldn't be a good idea with not so perfect roads around the lake front. Less than an hour and a half to go and the day has really flown by for me, even though it was an early riser for me today it feels like just hours ago i was having breakfast and now the downhill side of the day is upon us. I really need to catch up on the 6 books i ordered and haven't really read in a week or so! Funny how the reading comes and goes for me, i read 3 books in 10 days a few weeks ago now can't fathom reading anything as I am somewhat disinterested , even with some really good books to read! It will all come back to me and get back into the swing of it and further educate this complex mind of mine...Fuck, being smart just means the headaches are larger and the dumb people just keep getting dumber.   Well enough for the Sarcasm , time to pretend I'm doing something here at the workplace....shit, As If???

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