Monday, May 2, 2011

So much going on today!

So much has happened over the last 24 hours in the world and I guess we shall wait and see what becomes of this phenomena in Terrorist land around the world, we got the guy we wanted and yet we still fight the same fight in the same hills and only have a symbolic victory to show for it. While thousands of soldiers are in harms flight to include my boy Braz and his wife Nikki, i only think of the hell they face over the next 12-18 months in Jalalabad Dog shit hell as Terria made them cookies and sent Nikki her Care package for her 20th birthday. Life is well but other than this damn stomach virus that i have going here I am really out of sorts with sleep and eating and the general axis of my world has been temporarily off kilter. The gym and golf have been put to rest , no motorcycle this past weekends beautiful 77 degree weather and it did put Terria in familiar grounds of fending for me as she does so well, thanks again O' wife O mine. It did bring back flash backs of the accident as the pains and weakness were very similar, with the exception of being able to use the restroom by myself the rest felt near the same  and the nightly delirium of fevers added a new twist to it all. But looking forward I feel better, not 100% but getting better this time knowing that there won't be hemoglobin #'s to be looked at, just trying to stay hydrated today and get through my dental appt to try to re-attach my fallen crown at 11:15 this morning. Tonight, if I make it through this workday will consist of a hot shower and a warm blanket and rest rest rest. Terria has been so amazing and last night as we went to sleep at 11pm , i dosed off with the help of Excedrin PM's  woke up and noticed she wasn't there , she went in to watch Army wives as she was wide awake, so i joined her and sensed an uneasiness about her mood. Knowing that we got Bin Laden is only going to make things more treacherous for Braz out there in the field for the next year plus, she's smart enough to know tat and shared that fear with me, i agreed and said wait for more shit to happen because it will! Be hope and pray for all of the troops to be safe, knowing that losing just 1 is 1 too many, a war that should not have ever started is just that, dust in the wind and we can't do anything about it. I am proud to have our Boy in the Army and serving our country proudly, and knowing that Brandon wants to join in a years time as well also makes me fearful but equally as proud to know that my boys aren't afraid to work and fight  for a living, it;'s not for everyone. I for one could never be yelled at or kiss anybody's ass they way they are trained to do. So i will close with a thought of prosperity and positivity. all we can do is be ourselves, all we are, is who we are and as long as we live by the Golden rule and touch people in a positive way, Republican,Democrat , atheist or Christian we are all created equally and make the choice to disenfranchise our gifts ,or we cash in and share them with the world. Life is about choices and the accountability for those choices. I own mine, hope you all own yours too!!!!!!

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