Friday, May 13, 2011

A Good Friday!

I have apparently lost a few of my blog posts here for some reason, don't know how or why but gone nonethelesss??? It is Friday morning and the office is running less than half staff, the usual suspects are not here today and all are not too shocked at that proposition. Amazing to me how people abuse their jobs and the fact that they still have a job is a miracle on 34th street in itself. People are somewhat retarded at times, had an officer come in applying for housing this morning, said he spoke to somebody, he didn't know who, when asked what house he was offered he said he didn't know or couldn't remember. an officer mind you without the wherewithall to ask the right questions or document pertinant information comes in and expects us to do the lkefg work to cover for his ineptitude. I'm like, what the fuck ever anymore with lame ass people these days...see republican party tea Bagger for a better exampe of this..good christ idiots are brewing ever nearer. Still somewhat puzzled where my lost posts went and why they disappeared? This weekend is almost upon us and a motorcycle ride is in order , a weekend dinner with my friend Shawn from NC is also on tap for this weekend. Terria i think has her 5th golf lesson and thats all I have going this weekend. Mom gets moved into the rest home today to start her rehab for her knee replacement and hope that  goes weel so she can get back home to friendly quarters, We I'm here at front solo right now, thinking about all the things i wan tto do for lunch or for after work and meanwhile drawing blanks in my mind, not too often does that happen to me but it even happens to me when the blonde moments come more frequently these days and the recovery is rapid but going there hurts at times because I don't like stupid shit in my life. anyway, the day is half over and I'm all alone in the office as i speak, where everybody is ???? don't know, maybe off getting micro chipped by the Govt or some shit. All is well, look forward to days end! Good Times!

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